Awards You Can Win

Awards this Site Won

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The awards presented
by this site are the
the property of JMchick.
All award recipients are
required to link the
award back to the main

Site Design and layout
©2000 JMcChick

The characters, names,
and places in Sailor
Moon, both the
manga and the anime,
belong to Naoko Takeuchi,
Kodansha Comics, DIC, and

Mina-P's Good Effort Award
This award is given to those who worked really hard. Hey, it may not be the best on the net, but everyone who puts their heart into their work deserves an award. This is definitely the easiest to win. Everybody is capable of getting this one!

Cutie Award
Basically, you have to have a cute site.  It could be designed with anime, manga, or both.  If you make use of nifty colors and designs to give it an appealing sweet and "cute" feel, the you are the perfect candidate for this award.  I don't give this one out as easily as the Good Effort Award, but I still think it's pretty easy to win.

Romance Award
First of all, your site must center around a couple from Sailor Moon.  It can be two of our heroes or two villains.  You will need a decent size gallery and well as some background info on the couple.  A fanfic page would be nice too.  Site design doesn't count very much, so again, I think this is another easy one to win.

Award of Beauty
This one is definitely harder to win.  Your site must use matching colors and have some pretty nifty graphics.  You really need a more unique look for this one.  You won't find this one on a typical page.

Galactic Award of Superiority
This is the toughest award to win.  You must have a truly excellent page including: attention to details, fabulous color schemes, unique and original design, quality pics that are fast loading, and very few broken links.

Site of the Month Award
This site is chosen by me either once a month or once every two or three months.  You first must qualify for one of the above to receive this one.  It will not be listed on the requests page.

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