The surname SEMIDEI is the Latin/Italian word semidei
meaning "half god." It was brought to the New World by the Corsicans
who spoke Italian before the French rule.


SEMI = half
DEI = from the Latin word "deitas,"
meaning "divine nature."

Other forms of DEI include:

D�it� - 14th century French
Deity - present day English.
Agnus Dei - Lamb of God *
semidei - Italian literature. **

So where did SEMIDEY & SEMIDAY come from?

They are New World versions of our beautiful family name.
Specifically, Many conquerors changed surnames and geographical
names from their original spelling. For example, the Taino Indian
name "Coayuco" or "Coayu," was changed to *** Yauco by the Spanish.
Boriken was changed to Borinquen as well.

The same happened to our name. The "dei" ending is Latin. The
Spanish equivalent is "dey," while "day," is English.

Just as God's made roses in more than one color, our name
appears in different ways. Whatever the spelling, the meaning should
be appreciated, preserved and passed down to our children.

The Meaning
By Carlos Semidei
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