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Quomodo Sedes
Antichi Semidei:From OsirideTo Cortes
of Antonio Mattera
The Museums Vaticans
a distance through the centuries.Look in the Museum - Ciementino For Semidei
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I would like to also like to thank Carlos Semidei.For all his hard work and time.Compiling all his information.And making his most excellent website.For it was also Carlos that inspired me to make this website.Keep up the good job Carlos.

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Mythological Index
In these pages you will find the fabled "Semidei" my favorites are the mythology links.All of these links have the semidei in them.Some are in Itailan.So you will need to translate them with google Language Tools.    I have translated some of them.also the Semidei in video games link,is very interesting to me.And the Semidei in movies and books links truly amazing.For you see now that The Semidei has very powerful meanings.
I hope you all enjoy all of this stuff.And learned some about our surname Semidei,Semidey.
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semidio it is a mortal being them been born from a mortal female them and a God (the opposite one, that is to be born from a mortal male them and a goddess, is not in some possible way).Because a similar creature comes to the world is necessary that the God incarnates itself in a physical body. For this reason in past they are you exist yourself of the semidei, but in recent times their birth has become practically impossible since the Pact between Of prevents that one what of the sort happens.Ciononostante, also after the pact has been rarest cases in which a God it is, so to speak, escaped to the control, therefore on Anthuar least individuals exist still that can boast, if not of being of the semidei, at least of having one also minimal divine ancestry.
In any case draft of a most times fine virtue to same himself. In fact the  being
semidio a door with himself more disadvantages that advantages.
The semidei are not equip you of some particular one to be able, even if some of they possess a greater vital force regarding the others exponents  of their race (than 1 - 2 PM in more regarding the norm and a rhythm of leggermente slower aging is realized in the possession) and is always in a position to sopportare a divine manifestation without the effects that would come normally endured.The
semidei are moreover partially immune to the effects of block and temporal alteration (cannot avoid them but they can become account that have been put into effect to you, these thanks to the being sons of whom it is to outside of the time).
To part that is in all and for all similar to "normal" theirs controparti, it is  worth to say the other individuals of their race.Often it is probable that to be a semidio or to come down from one of they it ends to the contrary with carrying of the effects disagreeable collaterals.Of it is an example Demian Lehar, centauro veggente whose grandfather was son of the God Leha ("Lehar "in the language of the centauri means" Son of Leha exactly").These have in more occasions seen its powers to drive crazy, going of the all outside control, what that before turns has rendered it catatonico!

A particularitity of the
semidei is that when their blood comes poured for the last time, the father reaches in order to accompany them in its reign .
In less poetici terms, when a
semidio its divine parent dies has the faculty to manifest itself in incorporal shape in the world of the dead woman  them in order to capture of the spirit and to accompany it in the relative afterlife.This "special permission" is not only applied in effects to the dead women of the semidio, but also to that one of its sons and their sons (until the third generation).

To manage the
Like already said, they cannot exist
semidei in the present of Anthuar, therefore they cannot be managed neither like PG neither like png, without some exception.
(A Song )Da' Semidei,from the Huomini e dal cielo
Yauco en Familia  Semidei
Too See What The Divine Semidei Being Look's Like Go To The Semidei Mythology Link
Semidei Mythological Reading
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Between God and man there is a step on which the one leads into the other, where we see the Divine Being brought nearer to things of earth, and human strength glorified. The older the epos, the more does it require gods visible in the flesh; even the younger cannot do without heroes, in whom a divine spark still burns, or who come to be partakers of it.
Heroism must not be made to consist in anything but battle and victory: a hero is a man that in fighting against evil achieves immortal deeds, and attains divine honours. As the gradation of ranks the noble stands between the king and the freeman, so does the hero between God and man. From nobles come forth kings, from heroes gods.(Lucian in Dial. mortuor. 3), yet so that the human predominates: 'ita tamen ut plus ab homine haveat,' says Servius on Aen. 1, 200. The hero succumbs to pains, wounds, death, from which even the gods, according to the view of antiquity, were not exempt.In the hero, man attains the half of deity, becomes a demigod, semideu: Jornandes applies semidei to the anses (supra), as Saxo Gram. pronounces Balder a semideum, arcano super�m semine procreatum. Otherwise in ON. writings we meet with neither h�lfgo� nor h�lf�s;  but N. Cap. 141 renders hemithei heroesque by 'halbkota unde erdkota (earthgods)'.
Heroes are distinct from d�monic beings, such as angels, elves, giants, who fill indeed the gap between God and man, but have not a human origin. Under paganism, messengers of the gods were gods themselves;the Judeo-christian angel is a d�mon. Rather may the hero be compared to the christian saint, who through spiritual strife and sorrow earns a place in heaven.
This human nature of heroes is implied in nearly all the titles given to them. For the definite notion of a divine glorified hero, the Latin language has borrowed heros from the Greek, though its own vir (= Goth).
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