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Don's Star Trek Universe

This is the Introduction to my Universe.


     ParamountAll of this information have been gathered from various sources, inc. the credit information at the beginning of each episode the T. V. Guide and other sources. Images have been taken from other sites other than the official Star Trek site. Naturally, as a Trekker I respect the rights of Paramount to regulate the usage of their sights, sounds, and images. Hopefully, this will satisfy them as to the copyrights being respected. I do think that perhaps each site should be evaluated as to whether it will serve as publicity for their fine series and possibly attract new viewers who have viewed the sites and want to see more of a series.

Star Trek,TNG  DS9  Voyager  Table of Contents   Enterprise    W. M. Snyder, artist  

The Books of Star Trek

     Links to the books of Star Trek:TNG; DS9; and Voyager and the new Fan Contest winners' anthologies may be found on the table of contents page and on the navigation bar on each page. A new series has been started with the advent of "Gateways", the first 4 books are placed on their own page.   Table of Contents

     To go directly to the first page of episodes for Star Trek, TNG, click on the above link in the table. Do the same for the DS9 and Voyager episodes. The Table of Contents link allows you to go to a page which details all the various pages which I have authored.

     Treksites button  Treksites.com is a bulletin board of Star Trek Sites.


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