Support the People's War in Peru !
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 08:49:11 GMT
Newsgroup: alt.politics.radical-left


Why do we say "Support  the People's War in Peru"?  Quite
simply, because this revolutionary war,  preparing the conquest of
power, is a shining beacon for revolution the world over.

Forget the lies  and disinformation you may have heard about
"Shining Path terrorists."  An oppressive system under attack
always slanders those who are trying to overthrow  it--all the more
so the more the old system suffers defeats. And, horror of horrors,
this  is happening right in what the US considers  its "own back

The revolution in Peru is a genuine proletarian revolution, led by
the Communist Party of Peru -PCP- (which the imperialists hate
so much, calling them "Shining Path" or "Sendero Luminoso").
The PCP leads a People's War seeking to overturn the three
mountains that oppress the people: imperialism, semi-feudalism
and bureaucratic capitalism.

The People's War is a powerful force in the liberation of women.
Women are part of this revolution at all levels - including the
highest political and military leadership - in proportions
unprecedented in history.  Women are  encouraged and enabled
to take part fully in reshaping society, whether by serving on the
People's Committees (the governing  bodies of the new state
power), joining  the Liberation Army of the People, or joining the
Party--even if this is contrary to the wishes of her husband, father
or other family authority figure.

The PCP follows Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought,
the science that sums up over a hundred and fifty years of
struggle against the capitalist system and its modern development
into imperialism (with Gonzalo Thought being  the creative
application of  this science  to the particular conditions  of Peru).

They particularly  emphasize the contributions of Mao Tse-Tung,
leader of the Chinese revolution.  It was he who developed, in
theory and practice, the strategy of People's War, a style of
warfare  that thoroughly mobilizes and  relies on the masses  of
people, in order to fully reflect the needs and desires--as well as
the knowledge and experience--of the people, not  just that of the
commanders and leaders.

Mao's contribution are the guide, not only in the destructive aspect
of the People's War as  it combats and defeats the oppressor,  but
also in the constructive aspect , the building  of new power in  the
liberated base areas: the People's Committees, the  embryo of the
future People's Republic of Peru.

Many people all over the world are realizing that the path of
struggle followed by the  PCP is the only one that can lead to
liberation.  Other movements have chosed  other paths: that of
compromise and peace process (witness  South Africa,
Palestine, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.). These strategies
ultimately amount to surrender and capitulation to imperialism and
its political and military tools (the UN, NATO, OAS, etc.) and its
financial tools (IMF, World Bank).  The  results are not prosperity
or peace but more hunger and repression for the people.

There are forces like this in Peru too, that promote and participate
in the electoral process and charitable functions as the solution  to
the massive repression, 90% under-and unemployment,
widespread hardships of all kinds for the people.  When these
forces directly aid the government in combatting the People's War,
they become targets of the revolution as well.

The PCP has always recognized elections and charity as methods
used by imperialism to keep the masses pacified and dependent,
and therefore promotes boycotts and sabotage of elections with
the slogan "Elections, no!  People's War, yes!"  The point is to
overthrow imperialist domination, oppression and exploitation, not
to put a "kinder, gentler" facade on it.

Support for the People's War in Peru is growing in an atmosphere
of upsurge in political and social struggle.  Here in the US  we're
facing a political, economic and ideological assault unprecedented
in this century.  The hard-fought concessions won in the 60s and
30s, for which so many were jailed,  persecuted and even shed
their blood, are being snatched back; methods of control and
repression are being implemented here that have previously been
seen mainly in Third World countries like Peru--and all this is
carried out on a tidal wave of racism.

The task of exposing the real nature of US intervention in general
and in Peru in particular is more important than ever. For, in order
to effectively fight aginst the developing reactionary  offensive at
home, people need to understand the real nature of the forces
behind it - and that  it is not just Gingrich, Clinton, Operation
Rescue or the Republican  Party.

To deal with our enemy we must understand how imperialism
operates in every arena, abroad as well as at home. To deal with
our enemy we must join our struggle with the struggle of with the
people all over the world,  especially the most advanced struggle
in today's world: the People's War in Peru.

Join us! write: Peru Support Committee/Detroit
P.O.Box 23306,  Detroit, MI    48223
phone: (313) 730-5213

Jay Miles
email:  [email protected]

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