=============================================== E-MAIL LISTS FOR BUILDING A DEMOCRATIC LEFT =============================================== The following are descriptions of three e-mail lists dedicated to bringing together activists around building a more unified left movement. The lists include: LEFT-L: A general discussion of left issues LEFT-ORG: Discussions specifically about existing left organizations and coalitions LEFTNEWS: Low volume distribution of news of interest to left activists To subscribe, send a message to: listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu In body of message, type: sub FirstName LastName i.e. sub Left-L Joe Smith More detail on each of the lists follows-- ========== LEFT-L: A DISCUSSION LIST FOR ACTIVISTS CONCERNED WITH BUILDING A DEMOCRATIC LEFT IN THE UNITED STATES AND IN THE WORLD The Left List is an uncensored forum for the discussion of building a broad democratic left in the United States and within the world that can seek fundamental change in our economic and social system. It seeks to create a common meeting ground for activists of all stripes who are dedicated to the principles of building an economy and society controlled by its workers and communities in a grassroots democratic manner. Through dialogue, debate and challenging one another, we can address the challenges of the 1990s of building a new democratic left in the post-Cold War period. The Left List will be a discussion forum dedicated to bringing together activists organizing for fundamental social change and creating a common meeting ground for electronic discussion, debate and collaboration. It is dedicated to those wishing to create a radical alternative to capitalism, whether you call it socialism, sustainable development, or radical democracy. To join the list, please send a note to: listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu Place the following command in the body of the message: subscribe left-l You will then be a member of the Left List and send messages for redistribution to the following address: left-l@cmsa.berkeley.edu Please make your first post an introduction of yourself, the kinds of activism you are engaged in and a general sense of what you think we need to build a democratic left. Put the words: INTRO: in the Subject header. To leave the list just send a message to listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu: signoff left-l ========================= LEFT-ORG: A DISCUSSION LIST ABOUT ORGANIZATIONS WORKING TO BUILD A DEMOCRATIC LEFT IN THE UNITED STATES AND IN THE WORLD -- A Companion List to LEFT-L, the Left List The Left Organization list (Left-Org) is a discussion forum dedicated to facilitating discussion about the organizations involved in building a democratic society and economy. Associated with the general Left List, it is dedicated to those wishing to create a radical alternative to capitalism, whether you call it socialism, sustainable development, or radical democracy. This list is moderated more strongly than the Left List (although no individual messages are censored). The goal is to have a focused discussion and exchange of information about the variety of left organizations and efforts to create greater unity between them. As well, we will discuss the activities of left activists within organizations such as civil rights, environmental or labor organizations. The main functions of the list are: to exchange information on the activities of organizations people are involved in, discuss the limits and opportunities for unifying democratic left groups, and debate the process and actions activists need to take in those organizations to bring about the fundamental change needed to achieve their goals. While organizations are the product of theoretical disagreements over strategy, tactics and values, abstract theoretical discussion not grounded in the experience of specific organizations presently in existence is not welcome on LEFT-ORG. Rather, any theoretical discussion should spring from analysis of day-to-day practical activity and debate within democratic left organizations. To join the list, please send a note to: listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu Place the following command in the body of the message: subscribe left-org i.e. subscribe left-org Nathan Newman You will then be a member of the Left List and send messages for redistribution to the following address: left-org@cmsa.berkeley.edu Please make your first post an introduction of yourself, the main organizations you are involved in, and, if you are up to it, what are the main organizations active in your geographic region. Put the words: INTRO: in the Subject header. To leave the list just send a message to listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu: signoff left-org ============== LEFT NEWS- An Edited List of News Items of Interest to the Democratic Left -- A Companion List to LEFT-L and LEFT-ORG LEFT NEWS is an edited list that distributes electronic posts of news and files of interest to democratic left activists. The list will aim to have a reasonable volume of high quality posts, carefully selected by the list manager and associated editors. So far the volume has averaged roughly 5-6 posts per day, carefully selecting the most interesting left news on the net for redistribution. Associated with the general Left List, it is dedicated to those wishing to create a radical alternative to capitalism, whether you call it socialism, sustainable development, or radical democracy. To join the list, please send a note to: listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu Place the following command in the body of the message: subscribe leftnews i.e. subscribe leftnews Nathan Newman You will then be a member of the Left List and receive all messages. If you wish to send a news item to the list, send the messages for redistribution to the following address: leftnews@cmsa.berkeley.edu The list manager will check for relevancy and forward on the post if it is a news item or a general interest news analysis. Otherwise, it will be forwarded to LEFT-L if that is the more appropriate distribution list. To leave the list just send a message to listserv@cmsa.berkeley.edu: signoff leftnews If you regularly receive news reports in electronic form and would like to apply for direct "send" abilities to the list, send a message to: leftnews-owner@cmsa.berkeley.edu State the kinds of news items you would like to post and the likely volume.