The following are excerpts from Ronald Reagan's FBI file. Mr. Reagan was confidential informant T-10. Someone had to keep an eye on those pinkos in hollywood in the 50s

T-10 advised Special Agent [Blacked OUT] that he has been made a member of a committee headed by L.B. MAYER, the purpose of which allegedly is to "purge" the motion picture industry of Communist Party members, which committee was an outgrowth of the THOMAS Committee hearings in Washington and the subsequent meetings of motion picture producers in New York City.

With regard to the hearings in Washington, T-10 stated that he somewhat regretted the "whole affair" because he did not feel the hearings were conducted in the most desirable manner possible. He also felt that the questioning of the unfriendly witnesses could have been better planned and designed to bring out more pertinent information. He was of the opinion the men should have been allowed to make any statement they cared to make, with a possible limitation as to its lenght, because he felt in this way these men would condemned themselves in the eyes of the American public far more efficiently than the Committee was able to do....

T-10 Stated it is his firm conviction that Congress should delcare, first of all, by statute, that the Communist Party is not a legal Party, but is a foreign-inspired conspiracy. Secondly, Congress should define what organizations are Communist-controlled so that membership therein could be construed as an indication of disloyalty. He felt that lacking such a definitive stand on the part of the Government it would be very difficult for any committee of motion picture people to conduct any type of cleansing of their-own household....

[BLACKED OUT] at meetings of Screen Actors Guild membership is a clique of individuals usually led by actresses [BLACKED OUT] and [BLACKED OUT] who invariably offer resolutions and present arguments which in the opinion of the informants definitely follow the Communist Party line.

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