Elegía a Andreu Nin. Eugenio F. Granell


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Marxist theoretician, revolutionary leader, classic political book author numerous already turned into essential; stature intellectual, socialist and antiestalinista militant who paid with his life his resolute defense of the Spanish revolution of 1936, with that the proletariado one responded to the revolt military man-facist. They are these, and many more, the things than today, to the doors of century XXI, can be said on Andreu Nin, one of the figures se6neras than the Spanish marxism has offered to international the labor movement. Their life, its trajectory from 1909 and its death at hands of the Soviet and Spanish sicarios of Stalin, still compose one of the ignored chapters more of our history, in spite of the important advances that have in the last taken place years around the recovery of the memory on the meaning of the Working Party of Marxist Unification.
Therefore, the Foundation Andreu Nin, created in 1987, takes its name from this exceptional figure, assassinated in June of 1937 to silence to its revolutionary influence and its opposition of left to the totalitarian and contrarrevolucionarios aims of Moscow.
Nin, today like then, continues being a symbol, a genuine representative of revolutionary pluralism, a cultural and moral reference.
This foundation has like first objective the vindication of the memory of this revolutionary and all his companions, in order to be a pole of reference and a useful tool for all those that are interested in studying the thought and the action of the POUM and, more in general, of the Spanish and international labor movement. Simultaneously, the Foundation Andreu quick Nin also attention to present the political and social situation, which is exigency of fidelity to the transforming will that always moved to Nin, Maurín and all the men and women who defended the honor of the socialism against the fascismo and the estalinismo.
Really, these pages want to be a modest contribution to the combat against the forgetfulness. Then the forgotten ones one is. Of militants of labor movement Spanish and international that was defeated because its class was it, sharing with her the death and exile, the insult and the calumny, the persecution and the extermination, the desperation and the hope.
It is necessary. A labor movement and a left that lose contact with his worthier traditions turn into toy of bureaucrats that falsify history and raise ídolos, in honor and glory of apparatuses under which they are squashed, simultaneously, the singularity and the colectivity, leaving site only for the submission to the leader and the cult to the party, for the corruption and the despotismo, illuminated heads and domesticated bases.
We are going to bring the memory of those and those to those who it has been wanted to expel from history. Without dogmatismos. Without the pretension to restore new idolatries. Without turning to them into the base of new catechisms. Without thinking that everything what did and said he was right and correct. And, mainly, without falling in the stupid temptation to think that its legacy will free to us of the task of thinking a reality about constant evolution.

We do not want to raise statues. We want to rescue alive it of the past and the name of which during its lives they fought by the life (Stephen Spender).

  • The Working Party of Marxist Unification
  • Biographical notes
Alberto Aranda
Juan Andrade
Wilebaldo Solano
Ignacio Churches
Jose Grimalt
  • Documents
The historical meaning of the POUM, Wilebaldo Solano

The POUM in history, Wilebaldo Solano

The Spanish experience (1939), authors several

The facist danger, Joaquin Maurín

V. Serge, revolutionary writer, Wilebaldo Solano

The communist terror in Spain, John Mac Govern

  • Documents in other Web
Durruti in the Revolution, Abel Paz
Civil war and Revolution, Andy Durgan
Discipline revolutionary anarchist, George Orwell
The two cores of the socialism, Hal Draper
Towards a new beginning, Hal Draper
  • Related bibliography
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