Quiz for Chapter 4

Don't continue if you have not yet understand the lesson

Time: 150 min

  1. Implement the general tree routines. This includes adding, displaying, destroy, delete, search, and insert.
You are a good programmer if you solve all three problems before 135 minutes.

Time: 45 Minutes

Now, although it is practically useless, make a routine that could insert item within a binary tree.


  1. In 90 minutes, you shall have made your text editor menu to pull-down menu. Use general tree. The only exception is that the tree only needs these routines: add, display menu, and destroy. You could implement separator bar too.
  2. Make a simple file manager. Take a look of Windows' file manager or explorer. Make one. This should take below a week to do it. User can do this: User can view his/her hard disk directory in a tree, just similar like explorer. User can view their directories sorted. User can select a group of files before doing something. Hint: review the findfirst and findnext in the first lesson.

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Advance to chapter 5, about multiple dimensional linked list.
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By: Roby Joehanes, © 1997, 2000
