just frog

"What about the pain?" said the frog, as he hopped on to the rock next to the cypress tree. "Do humans think they are the only ones that experience loss, lack of love, or rejection?"

The duck thought for a moment and then a tear fell from her eye. "I lost my mate last hunting season, as we were trying to soar out of range of the hunters. The humans say that there were too many ducks that season, but frog, have you ever seen a duck make weapons against the humans? It seems we are at their mercy, and my dear husband Harry, is probably stuffed and sitting on someone's bookcase while the human tells the story of spotting us both and deciding on the male, of course. How do you cope frog?"

"I have decided each of us does it differently. Don't you remember how Mrs. Squirrel raised a chipmunk after her own son got trapped, boxed, and shipped away last winter? That chipmunk received so much love and approval, it gained the reputation of the 'daredevil of the forest,' and it has lived up to its name."

"By observation, that is what you are telling me frog," said the duck.

"Yes, sometimes our hurt or pain seems so real we fail to reach out to someone else. Not everyone is going to be callous and unfeeling. Remember that carelessness has caused a lot of fires, but it has been the humans that ran to the rescue of these very woods. As you can probably observe, all forms of nature experience pain, loss, and the feeling of not belonging sometimes."

There was a long pause and frog looked from his left to his right trying to think of the proper way to respond to duck that had been hurt so deeply.

Then duck continued her conversation by asking frog just one last question. "Frog what should our message be this time of year?"

Frog looked up and replied, "It should be to go slower and look at what you have around you. Make yourself take time to listen. Do not always be looking for answers while your life turns in circles. In essence, be kind, thoughtful, and ask to be given wisdom. After all, it is Christmas and the celebration is for peace and love of all kingdoms. It was the one known as Christ who loved all creatures, special request. Never forget, love is giving from the heart duck, and you have done so. Sleep well and good night"-------just frog

1993 Carol Ann Garretson All Rights Reserved

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