Woof, I'm King, a spoiled rotten golden retriever living in Ontario, Canada. I love to go hiking and swimming. My favorite pastime is chasing after the chipmunks and the squirrels but I can never catch up to them. The only time I came close to anything is a skunk, from which I remember my lesson well. I had this special scent on me for weeks and my mom almost disowned me. I love to dive for rocks at Presquile Provincial Park in Ontario. I can always pick a rock from the bottom of the lake, but no guarantee it was the one thrown to me. I hope you enjoy your visit. 

I am hosting a big birthday bash on my 12th birthday which is April 14. Please come to my cyberspace party and hope you have lots of fun. There is even a free surprise gift for you.   

See my newest pictures from last summer's trip to Atlantic Canada.

My Story and Picture Gallery 
My Pals in Cyberspace
Golden Retriever Links
Doggie Information Links
Poems and Tributes
Fun and Games
My Favourite Recipes
Graphics Links
Send a Golden Postcard
My Awards
  I love to hear from all you goldens out there. E-mail me at: [email protected] 

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The Golden Retriever WebRing 

This Golden Retriever WebRing site
is owned by Orchid Fung

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Background design on this page courtesy of  Windy's Fashionable Page Designs.
Dog clip art and graphics courtesy of The Dog Hause Art Gallery

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This page last updated on January 7, 1999