Top 10 Reasons for Having a Golden

10. There is absolutely NOTHING better than sitting by a warm fire
with a sleepy golden retriever draped over you.

9. As soon as you start to read, or take a sip of wine, the sleepy golden retriever's head will
pop up and a) knock your book to the floor, or b) spill red wine on your chair.
The golden will then smile and you will smile back.

8. Golden retriever love is exponential; whatever you give them comes back in multiples.

7. There is no day bad enough that it's effects can't be immediately banished by a
wag, a smile, a lick and a golden "hug".

6. Goldens are energy efficient; you can turn your heat down another
5 degrees at night when you have golden bedwarmers.

5. Goldens are the great social equalizers. You can't go anywhere with
a golden without attracting people from all walks of life.

4. If you have a golden, you don't need a health club!

3. Goldens are great therapists; it's hard to think too much about yourself
when you're pinned to the floor being violently nosed and licked.

2. Goldens are great marriage counselors; when your golden nervously
leaves the room or nudges you, check your tone of voice!

1. There is no more profoundly warm feeling than feeling loved by a golden.

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