To DesertRat's Home!

So, One may ask who or what is a desert rat? Well, you could go to the Dictionary to look up the meaning, but somehow it seems to miss the less technical aspects of this noun. Let me try, a Desert Rat is a term used for a person who lives in the desert, is perfectly at home there and wouldn't have it any other way (hmmmmmmmm...Yup, that's me alright). So which desert am I in? The answer is the Sonoran Desert! If you would like, you can find out more about the Sonoran Desert by visiting the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. And how does a Desert Rat get around the desert in style?

Or maybe you're more into a water rich environment.... You could always cruise over to a Desert Island.

Speaking of cruising, I hope you will take some time to cruise the pages of my home. It's not quite as messy as it use to be around here. I've been doing quite a bit of remodeling and have made some new additions. Go ahead and feel free to make yourself at home while I continue the renovations. If you have any decorating ideas please let me hear about them. I'm always up for a little constructive critisism, how else can a person gain new insights?
You might be asking yourself "What does a Desert Rat do for a living?" Hey, well check it out, it might surprise you to find out just how advanced we are out here in the desert.
And on occasion you can catch me here if you feel like chatting. I use the handle "DesertRat" and usually hang out in the Christian Thirtysomething or Christian Fourtysomething Chat Rooms. You'll find them listed under the Adult Socializing category.

So, just what is this place all about? I like to refer to it as my little soapbox to the world. You can stay and check out these pages, or not. Enjoy them, or not. Agree with me, or not. After all, this is a free country.......





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