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This is lovingly dedicated to the
Holy Name of Our Lord, "JESUS".
No one loves the sweet name of "JESUS"
as much as his mother Mary does.
Jesus, we love you.
Mary, pray for us.

"Our Lady Of The Assumption"

August 15, Feast of the

I scaned this picture out of my old family Bible last year(1997) especially for this page.

Vel'asquez, Spanish 1599 - 1660


Christian Art through out the years have delighted in painting the glorious scences of Mary's happy reunion with JESUS in heaven. Crowned queen of heaven, where she was given a place of honor beside her Son. In this picture, the Saints and angels approach to offer her homage.
This artist paints this scene as the final episode of Mary's life, but it is the beginning. Having received us all as her children from her Son dying on the cross, she is now our Mother and Mediatrix (mediator) of all graces. At her heavenly throne she intercedes for us, and through her maternal hands all graces are given to us.

you were assumed into heaven body and soul; pray that our lives might make us worthy of resurrection to life in Christ.
Mary, our Mother, intercede for us.
Mary, Mother of the Church,
pray for the community of Christian believers and especially for those who have died.
Mary, our Mother, intercede for us.


Mary, a Mother worthy of all praise.
She is the morning star,
the comforter of the afflicted
and the refuge of sinners.

An understanding of Mary is preserved in the writings of The Saints. She spoke only seven times in the Sacred Scriptures. Her final words were very simple "Do whatever he tells you". John, 2:5.
What more do we need to know but that, "Do whatever he tells you".
With the age of cloning and the year 2000 coming, there are many counterfeit "Marys" who have replace this "Gentle Woman, Mary" There are books selling with her warnings and messages. One book has been censured twice by the Vatican, "heavenly messenger" but is still being bought by Catholics.
This has unfortunately corrupted some branches of the powerful Marian movement bearing the Mother of God's name. With dismay many devotees of the Blessed Mother have watched as their once noble Marian movement deteriorate into a cult movement that promotes "Mary" as a new age goddess.


The Blessed Mother is present to all who pray the litanies and mysteries of the Rosary. When praying the rosary, Mary is like a gentle Mother with her children on her lap as she lovingly shares the family album of pictures that shows her joys and sorrows of her life.

Most of the above text was taken out of "Catholic Twin Circle"
& wrote by Jane L.Sears, in May of 1997

"Our Lady Of The Assumption"

All Honor to you, Mary!
Today you were raised above the choirs of angels
to lasting glory with Christ.

The feast of the Assumption is on August 15 it celebrates Mary's entrance into heaven, body and soul. Because of her perpetually sinless state, Mary is the first among the faithful to be fully redeemed. Catholics believe that because of Mary's close relationship to her son, JESUS, she shares through privileged anticipation in the grace of the resurrection of the dead. Mary did not have to endure the suspension of eternal life until the resurrection of the dead. The Assumption of Mary was declared a dogma (a truth) of faith, and so to be believed by faithful Catholics.
Pope Pius XII on Nov. 1, 1950.


SCRIPTURE is silent on Mary's life after Pentecost. There are stories that even St. Peter consulted her on points of doctrine, and that the Aposties' Creed was composed at her inspiration. What is more certain is the evidence that St. Luke came to her for information about the Holy Family which he used in his Gospel.
Other members of her court were Denys the Areopagite, who received from Mary the mission to the Gauls, and St. Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of St. John the Evangelist and an ardent defender of the doctrine of the divine maternity against heretics who tried to attack Jesus through Mary.
The most common belief is that Mary made her home with St. John (read John, 19: 25-27) in Jerusalem and that she died there some time before his departure for the mission in Ephesus. It was possibly in the year 48 or 49, which would make her about 70 years old at the time of her death. The month and day are unknown; however, as early as the sixth century a decree of the Eastern Emperor Mauritius consecrated August 15 to the memory of the Death and Assumption of Mary.
The traditional belief is that Mary died painlessly and was then taken up body and soul into heaven, lest she suffer any corruption. The assumption of Mary, supported by tradition theology, liturgy, and Scripture, was defined as a dogma by Pius XII in 1950:
"We ... define it to be a dogma (a truth) divinely revealed: that the Immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin was comsumed body and soul to the glory of heaven."

Above text was taken out of my old Family Bible

Fait Historique

On the eve of the Assumption, August 14, 1632, 300 Acadian settlers arrived at Lahave on the Atlantic Coast. The 300 people retook Port Royal. Port Royal was one of the first permanent settlements in North American, now called Ainapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. They were people totally dedicated to God, to Jesus, his mother Mary and to their Catholic faith.
In 1884 in Burnswick, Canada the Acadian people adopted "Our Lady Of The Assumption" as the patroness of the Acadian people. A fact ratifed by Pope Pius X. August 15 is celebrated as her feast day. The song "Ave Marie " was picked as their National Hymn.
A flag was adopted with the French tricolor to which a yellow star was added in the blue field. The star represents "Our Lady Of The Assumption.

Most of the above text was wrote by Father Bob,
in 1996 for the Church Bulletin



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