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Lovingly dedicated in honor of Mary our Blessed Mother

"Our Lady Of Sorrows"

September 15, 1998 Feast of Our Lady Of Sorrows

Scaned out of my Family Bible 1997
"The Crucifixion"
Quinten Metsijs 1466-1530
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Our Blessed Mother looks on as her Son JESUS is nailed to the cross.

Imagine the agonizing torture of Jesus to have three nails pierce His sacred hands and feet. The pain he must have felt.
Than imagine Mary standing there watching. As she hears the strokes of the hammer, three nails are driven into her heart. She would gladly be nail to the cross with him, but the Heavenly FATHER wants her to suffer a mother's grief. A heart rending sight this is: that a mother should stand by the death bed of her child and not be able to raise a finger to help. How can you straighten a wooden pillow? How can you wipe a dying child feverish brow when it is out of reach? How can you give a sip of cool water to the lips of a man that is spitting blood? Mary's role is to stand there and suffer. Many would faint away, but her strong heart helps her stand and suffer the keenest pain with her Son.

Did Mary and Jesus get to say a last good-bye before the Crucifixion? I would like to believe they did! Maybe they met at the home of Lazarus, or maybe she was there at the Last Supper. Wherever Mary was, because of her intense love and understanding of her Son, she shared the agony and pain as much as any mother would. While he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemani, she wept and prayed for him. Finally as Jesus walked up that hill to His death she follow Him. Mary had been in the background during the times of His Ministry, now she came to His side in the cruel last hours of His death. As she watched the execution and the sword of sorrow drove deep into her heart I wonder if she remember what Simeon had prophesied? In His last gesture of love Jesus entrusted Mary to the care of John. He designated her the"Mother" of John and to all the faithful who believe in Him. "Close to Jesus to the last", how fiting, she was with Jesus from His conception to the time of His death.

Some of the text from "Our Lady of the Snow"

Blessed Mother Mary,
to whom we have caused so much grief by our half-hearted service to JESUS your son, help us to keep resolutions we make. You who could not help your Son in his last agony, make it up to him by helping us in ours. Mother help us to repair the damage we done. Help us to make good the grief we caused you both. Mary, our Mother, our Queen, remember we are your own; keep us, guard us as your property and possession

Our Heavenly Father,
We pray for the strength of Mary,
who was able to see through the sorrowful crosses in her life
to the ultimate victory her Son gained by his suffering, death and resurrection.


The child's father and mother were amazed at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother,
"Behold, this child is destined for the fall and the rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted by many (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."
Luke, 2: 33-35



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