Need Music Crescendo

©By Grace Soileau


        This page is dedicated to all the Aborted Children of this world, and to the many women who cannot have children and would gladly take one of these little ones into their homes, their arms and their hearts!!


          THE ROSARY,

        The most effective weapon against abortion is prayer, and particularly praying THE ROSARY, public and private. It can save lives and convert people. The public Rosary should be (and often is) the prayer of the Pro-Life Movement. In our town of Ville Platte, we have a Right to Life Rosary every Thursday, before the 5:15 pm Mass.
        Abortion has been around for so long that people just seem to accept it, is no longer just a legal problem, it is a moral one. How can we not pray for all the sweet, sweet babies being murder every day. "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). The commandment, Thou shall not kill, means, THOU SHALL NOT KILL!! Maybe with enough prayers it will be resolved. We need the American people to return back to their Christian and Family values, Only GOD can accomplish this conversion, and He will if we ask Him for this in prayer.
        For the last few years, people are asked to turn back to prayer and the Rosary for the overturn of abortion.

        LORD Jesus, I pray for an increase in Faith, Hope and Love in all people so they might choose Life. I asked forgiveness for the suffering you endure each time an unborn baby is killed, each time someone is euthanasia, each time death overcomes life in this world.
        LORD JESUS, I thank you for the incarnation in our human flesh. You were formed in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Your humanity at the moment of your conception gives us, each and everyone, humanity at the moment of our conception. Had satan had his way, you too would have been torn from your mothers womb, never to be born, and never to fulfill your destiny in the manner in which you did fulfill it. Mother Mary, under the titles of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Perpetual Help, Queen of Peace, and Lady of the Holy Rosary, join us in our prayers for the end of this crimson holocaust. JESUS, the incarnate Word, stay the hand of Chastisement, and if it must fall protect your children.
        Jesus, Source of Mercy; Mary, Bearer of Mercy, I pray in reparation for the blood spilled from every baby wrenched from its mother's womb through abortion. I know that even as you hold and comfort each of these precious little ones, the horror of their slaughter screams for justice to meted out upon our world. JESUS, I also pray for the mothers and fathers of these aborted little ones, that they may receive the grace to repent of this sin and turn to You. Heal them Lord of the emotional and psychological wounds that this sin has caused. I also ask reparation for the sins of the medical personnel (doctors, nurses, & assistants) that participates in the pro-death activities in this world. Oh Lord, if only they would work for Life and for You. Amen
        The above prayer was taken from the Pro-Life Rosary

        Mother of Christ, Mother of Divine grace, Mother most Pure, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honor, Mystical Rose, Ark of the Covenant, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Health of the sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfort of the Afflicted, Help of all Christians, Queen of Angels, Queen of the Apostles, Queen of Confessors, Queen of Virgins, Queen of all Saints, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and Queen of Peace.
        Pray for us, O Holy Mother of GOD.
        That we may be made worthy of the promises of your Son CHRIST. Amen

        The Rosary has something for everyone, it is a thinking prayer, a prayer for people, a prayer for all Nations, a prayer for peace, and a prayer against abortion!
        In honoring Mary, with the praying of the rosary, we join the countless mutitudes who have sung her praises through the centuries.
        At the very dawn of creation her greatness was foretold by GOD, when satan was told that his head would be crushed by the heel of a woman.
        Her greatest praise was expressed even before she became a mother. The Angel Gabriel was told by GOD to address her as "full of grace" a title reserved for her alone. The Archangel Gabriel announced to the Blessed Virgin that she was to be the Mother of CHRIST, the promised Redeemer. The beginning of the "HAIL MARY" prayer is taken from this part of the Bible. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and coming to her said "Hail favored one ! The Lord is with you." (Luke,1:28).
        Another part of the prayer is taken from this place in the Bible; Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth who is with child. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit cried out in a loud voice and said "Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb" (Luke,1:42)
        The Rosary has been around for centuries, it is not something that has just come about in the last few years.


        One of the famous sights to see in Rome is the Sistine Chapel. Sometime ago, a group of Japanese artists cleaned away the dust and dirt of centuries beclouding Michelangelo's great frescos. After the clean-up job was finish one can really appreciate the great genius of Michelangelo.
        On the wall just above the main altar in the chapel, Michelangelo painted The Last judgment. He finished this painting around 1541, while preparations were in progress for one of the greatest councils of the Church: the Council of Trent 1545. This Council was to launch the counter-Reformation. As you know, in 1517, Martin Luther had revolted against the Church by denying certain doctrines. In the 1530's this revolt was in high gear, so plans for a General Council were in the making.
        Michelangelo was an ardent son of the Church. He painted the Last Judgment to prepare the Church Fathers for the Council, The painting, in effect, was saying to the Bishops and Cardinals of the Council that they had better be very serious about what they were going to do, because God would judge their every word and action.
        Michelangelo incorporated in the painting all those doctrines being challenged by the protest reformers. The reformers denied honor and devotion to Mary, the Mother of GOD. So the artist put Mary in a place of honor in his painting, namely, at the right hand of her Son.Then just beneath her, Michelangelo painted a huge rosary hanging down over the ramparts of Heaven on which two souls are climbing up into Heaven. This great painter and genius, did this to reflect on his own devotion and that of the Church of the Renaissance to Mary and her Rosary.

        As we read about the apparitions Our Lady, you will see she appears mostly to children. Could it be that they are the most pure of heart and believe with an open heart. There is a place in the bible where Jesus says,
        "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Mark, 10: 13-15


        OUR LADY, IN paris, FRANCE

        On July 18, 1830, she appeared 3 times to a Charity Nun, Catherine Laboure. That was the same month a revolution toppled the Monarch of France. The Church was vehemently attacked. In November Our Lady gave Catherine a medal, depicting Mary as pouring out graces upon all. This medal became know as the "Miraculous Medal." Mary knew it would take a miracle to bring France back to GOD.


        When France did not listen to Our Lady, and come back to GOD, Mother Mary appeared again. On September 19, 1846, she appeared in La Salette, France, to two children, they were Melaine and Maximin. When she appeared to them as a sorrowing and weeping figure. She cried because people disregarded the holiness of Sunday and profaned the name of her Son. She said that three-fourths of France would be lost to the Church and the other fourth would become lukewarm. Like a good mother, Mary warns that a terrible famine would happen if people did not return to GOD. Her Message "PRAY AND RETURN TO GOD."


        Our Lady's miracles, her tears, had been of little avail, so she appeared again.
        In February 11, 1858, Our Lady appeared in southern France, in Lourdes as the "Immaculate Conception", to a 14 year old girl, Bernadette Soubirous. She appeared 18 times to her and revealed to her two things needed; PENANCE, PRAYER and the ROSARY.
        On January 17, 1871, Our Lady appeared to four little children at Pontmain, about 180 miles from paris. Her message was the same pray often, and pray the Rosary. There the peasants noted for their ardent Catholic faith listen, everyone prayed the rosary! Within ten days after they started praying the rosary a miracle happen, the war ended. On January 28, 1871 the armistice was signed. In France there is a basilica built in honor of Our Lady, at Pontmain. Our Lady's message, PRAY THE ROSARY


        OUR LADY OF FATIMA 1917

        Her words were "Say the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world." What a little sacrifice to make to obtain grace and mercy for all, especially for the children of this world.
        In the year of 1917, from May 13 to October 13, our Blessed Mother appeared on six occasion to three children near the village of Fatima in Portugal. The three children who saw our Lady were Francis and Jacinta Marto and their cousin, Lucy Dos Santos. On one of the apparitions, July 13,1917, our Lady taught this prayer to the children."O my Jesus, forgive us. Deliver us from the fires of hell. Draw the souls of all to Heaven, especially those in greatest need." This prayer is to be recited after each decade of the Rosary.
        On October 13, 1917 the last apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, She appeared as the Queen of the Holy Rosary. In one hand she held the rosary and in the other hand the scapular.
        As foretold by our Lady, Francis and Jacinta died in early childhood. Lucy, in 1925 joined the convent of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy in Tuy, Spain. She used the name of Sister Marie of the Sorrows. In 1927 our Lord appeared to Sister Marie on two occasions, confirming the requests of His Mother for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady's message, PRAY THE ROSARY

        In Praying the Rosary Mary invites us to a
        "Walk In The life of Jesus, her Son".


        The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary teach the "First Great Truth of being a Christian"; namely, life and being a Christian are meant to be joyful. So many think that being unhappy can make you a better Christian. Why, I don't know? The Joyful Mysteries teach and remind us that life and being a Christian is to be joyful; that God has made us for happiness. Just look at the beautiful sunrise and sunset or go out at night to look at the stars and realize what a Grand World God has made. Look at the percious face of a newborn baby or small child, you can almost see the angels here on Earth. I don't believe God would have done all this for us if he wanted us to be unhappy. These mysteries also tell us that by doing God's will and following Marys example we will obtain Joy.
        "Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: REJOICE!" Philippians:4:4

        (Monday & Thursday)
        1. The Annunciation; Luke,1:26-38
        2. The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth; Luke,1:39-44
        3. The Birth of Jesus; Matthew: 1:18-25
        4. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple; Luke,2: 22-35
        5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple; Luke,2: 41-51

        The Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary teach the "Second Great Truth to Christian"; Sin and not doing God's will is what makes us unhappy in life. We are always so busy doing things that need to be done and some things that don't doing. Sometimes we try to make ourselves believe that we are doing God's will. We as adults are so busy going to meetings, running around with the children, and others trying to do God's work. We belong to groups that keep us so busy that there is little time left for GOD, our families or people outside of the group, and it often just brings us sorrow. We need to look at our lives and ask, is this my way or is this God's way? If we would only take time to ask Him what he wants of us, and listen. Going our way is often the way to pain and unhappiness.

        (Tuesday & Fridays)
        1. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden; Matthew,26: 36-45
        2. The Scourging at the Pillar; Matthew,27: 26
        3. The Crowning with Thorns; Matthew,27: 29-30
        4. The Carrying of the Cross; John,19: 17
        5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus; Luke,23: 44-47

        The Glorious Mysteries, the "Third Great Truth", Life has a Glorious purpose,
        a purpose beyond this life as we know it. This might be the greatest of all the Mysteries. In the Glorious Mysteries we can see that there is a cycle, there is life and there is also death. It is not a circle, we will not come back to life as we know it. What comes after death is what we have to get ready for. There is a Heaven and a Hell, if we keep this in mind maybe this life will work out so we can have a place with God after death.

        (Sunday, Wednesday & Saturday)
        1. The Resurrection of Jesus; Matthew,28:5-6
        2. The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven; Mark,16:19-20
        3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, "Pentecost"; Acts,2:1-4
        4. Assumption of Mary into Heaven; Songs 0f Songs, 6:10
        5. Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven; Revelation,12:1


        O GOD,
        whose only begotten Son, by his life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life: grant, we beseech Thee, that, by meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.



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