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This is page 4 of the "Surname Springboard." The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive listing of surname genealogy sites which have "Indexed" Family Trees on them. It is dedicated to researchers who have placed their genealogy data on-line to be viewed by other genealogists. Thanks to all who have contributed their Home Page Listings to make this site successful.
   There is more information on the first page.
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151 At Home on the Web with Chrisbry Bryant, Hester, Smith, Nicholson, Wallace, Atkinson, Jones, Eatinger
152 At Home Tippett, Foresta, France, Caito, Sullivan
153 Atkins Family History Atkins
154 Atkinson Family Epistle Atkinson, Baird, Brooks, Cotterill, Hobbs, Loftus, Moore, Moss, Pease, Pound, Reeve, Tombs
155 Atkinson Family Tree Atkinson
156 AtkinsonSurname Resource Page Atkinson
157 Atteberry Family Genealogy Atteberry, Beadles, Moorehead, Taylor, Randall, McCracken, Hull, Barton
158 The Attridge/Lloyd Geneaology Attridge, Atteridg, Lloyd, Carroll, Rothwell, Murphy, McCarthy
159 Atwood/Eagles/Fackrell/Reaves/Reid Atwood, Moss, Eagles, Reaves
160 Audrey's Genealogy Ackley, Rutledge, Baird, Sollars, Carsey, Windt, Dains, Dollison, Douglas, Hager/Heger, LeMay
161 Auger Family Surname Association Auger/Augur/Aunger/Audger/Augier, Augar/Anger/Angier/Odger, Augir/Ogier/Auge'
162 August's genealogy Page Craen/Craene, Craanen/Craan/Craane, Cranen/Crane, Kraen/Krane, Kraanen/Kraan/Kraane, Kranen/Krane, van der Craen, van der Kraanen/van der Kraan, Nachtegaal, De Vries, Verkerk/Verkerck
163 Aussies Down Under - Our Family Tree Wilson, Wenman, Wheeler, Thistleton, Thatcher, Saunders, Rooney, McNeill, Jefferies, Haines, Dunne, Darnes, Craig, Corban, Cather, Bassmann
164 The Austill/Austell Family Genealogy Page Austill, Austell, Beach, Riley, Frick, Chambers
165 Austin Minson Merger Austin, Morris, Roumillat, Bicknell, Minson, Boswell, Winfrey, Sublett
166 Auvenshine Family Tree Auvenshine, Welch, Beaty, Looper, Howeth, Miller, Abendschon
167 Auxier Tickel Genealogy Auxier, Tickell, Tickel, Prater, Tickle, Brown, Roberson, Lineberry
168 Axsom Association of America Companion Page Axsom
169 B M J Major Family History Home Page Major, Kent, Ryan, Shaughnessy, Edwards, Allsopp/Alsop/Allsop, Lucas, Thomas, Swift, Rosbach
170 B.J. Bear's Window to the World Bunting, Johnson, Masterson, Virden, Waters, Huff, Tinckham
171 The Baalham family page Baalham, Cole, Dumbleton, Jackson, Leach, Leech, Miller, Rouse, Watts
172 Bab's Place on the Internet Rhodes, Bassler, Brubaker, Selwitz, Stom, Burket, Closson, Stonerook
173 Babbitt Genealogy Bobet/Babbit/Babbitt, Reed/Read/Reade
174 Baby Boomin Boyds - BBB Lundy, Self, Scott, Magouirk, Hurst, White, Clements, Boyer
175 Back Home in Indiana Starnes/Stearns, Kilpatrick, Holtsclaw/Holtzclaw, Watson, Dragich/Drogich, Symmonds, Wright, Martindale, Wood, Hicks, Maynard, Edwards, Shanks, Farren, Smiley, Carmichael
176 Back Through History Ertel/Ertle, Aveis, Moorhead, Pennington, Thompson, Balzer, Ward, Poletta/Palletti, Raymond, Taylor
177 @Backup Phares, Ferris, Pheris, Faris, Pharis, Fares, Phelan, Farrell
178 Bacon Geneology Bacon, Comfort, Adams, Clark, Mann, Morse, Pratt, Rice, Richardson, Smith, Trowbridge, Underwood, Wilson, Wood
179 BaiCon Genealogy Bailey, Conley, Cole, Auxier, Calhoun, Runyon, Trusty
180 Baker Genealogy: Martin and Hannah Clark Baker of Colonial VA. Baker, Clark, Colquitt, Sneed, Hicks, Griffith, Peavler
181 Balkwill Balkwill, Tanton, Madge, Olver, Walkeden, Kerr, Traschel, Ritchie
182 Balshaw Name Web Site Balshaw, Belshaw, Bolshaw, Riddiough, Mossop, Penn
183 The Bandy Family History Bandy, Lancaster, Triplett, Brown, Dowell, Jordon, Adkisson
184 The Banyan Tree Acres/Akers, Asbury, Blackburn, Branham, Felty, Goodbread/Gutbrodt, Halley, Hitchcock, Mead/Meade, Preston, Price, Ramey/Remy, Rhodes, Rice, Salyer/Sallier, Arthur
185 Bar NZ Ranch Hall, King, Wilson, Dubray, Steele, Wilson, Evans, Quimby, Butler, Hoyt, Whiteman, Mountain-Chief, Evans
186 Barb Little's Home Page Little, Noakes/Nokes/Knox, Dale, Boyle, Coske/CoskiKoske, DeBruyne, DeClerck, DeMuynck/DeMinck, McCloskey/McCluskey, McCartney, Newkirk, Barnhill, Connelly/Conley, Gorman, Walsh, Donnelly
187 Barbara Parker's Home Page Voss, Parker, Smoyer, Carman, Burke/Bourke, Savitz/Sevits
188 Barbara's Ct & Pa Connections Minnick/Menig/Minnich, Applegate, Seeley, Johnson, Brewster, Jones, Santee, Beisel, Johnson, Welton, Tolles, Upson, Benninger, Sanford
189 Barbara's Genealogy Garden Till, Vaughan, Majors, Rain, Wagnon, Ward, Kirkland, Harris
190 Barbara's Genealogy Page Fraley, Stacy, Froelich, Coursey, Hays, Peters , Hall, Williams
191 Barbara's Genealogy Shop Page Hutchinson/Hutcheson/Hutchison, Hutcherson/Hutchingson/Hutchenson, Cline, Fishburn
192 Barbee's Tree House Balsley, Goodwin, Hartzell, Ansell, Smith, Twist, Messinger, Martin, Collins
193 The Barge/Tisdale Genealogy Home Page Barge, Tisdale, Tilley, Snodgrass, Squyres, Cantu, Roach, Maginnis, Zappa, Powell, Barlow, Bland, Privette, Cryer, Martin, Fox
194 Barger Family History Society Barger
195 BARKER FAMILY HISTORY Barker, Brown, Parker, Watts, Humble, Donnelly
196 Barnes Families in North Carolina Barnes
197 BARNHARTS FROM PA TO TEXAS Barnhart, Lange, Bixler, Prowls, Zerbe, Blue
198 Barnhouse Branches, A Surname Resource Center Barnhouse/Bornhaus
199 Barnsley Family Home Page Barnsley, Field, Medhurst, Collins, Willson, James, Merrifield, Mitchell, Yerex, Spring, Wyatt
200 The Barrass Clan Barrass, Murray, Cain, McLean, Davis

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Next Update: Feb 03, 2002

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