Parker/Welland - Barbara's Family



Grandfather Roger John Parker-Grandmother Sarah Elizabeth (Morris) Parker



Welcome to my homepage. My name is Barbara (Parker) Lewis, I live in London, Ontario Canada. I have been researching my family tree for fifteen years. I am a first generation Canadian on my father's side, second generation on my mother's side. My parents were divorced making it difficult to trace my father's family. My mother was orphaned at an early age with no siblings, making it difficult to trace my mother's family. I have great hopes that I will meet someone on the web searching the same lines.

Please e-mail- [email protected] me if you are doing research on the following names:

PARKER Roger John b. 1850 Cleator Moor England - PARKER Adelaide and siblings immigrated to Australia circa 1895
MORRIS Sarah Elizabeth b.1867 Chester England or vicinity
MAGILL George circa 1840 Ireland
TOMKINS William S b. 1853 Wales or London, England
MCFADEN Annie Bridget (twin brother) b. 1851 County Kerry, Kilarney, Ireland
HOLLAND John circa 1830 Lancashire England
WELLAND Isabella England circa 1835

My great grandfather John Holland, was said to have accompanied the first train engine across the ocean to Canada. He was involved with railroads all his life and it was he who helped the Prince of Wales (later Edward VII) drive the last spike into The Victoria Bridge in Montreal in 1860.

Please check my Surname List in my links

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