My Rights

All over the internet I see pages about free speech and how important it is that we fight to keep this right. The problem with this is that the ones doing all the speaking are the ones who seem to have no moral values. The ones who do have moral values are often too afraid to write about them. If a person uses their right to free speech, and speaks out against things like pornography, profanity, racism, or anything else that demoralizes society, they are ridiculed and sent hate mail, usually by those same people who insist that they have the right to put whatever they like on their home pages. This does not make sense to me. Those people who send the hate mail are trying to take the other person's rights away by intimidation... So does this mean, that it is wrong for the government to say what a person can have on their home page, but it is ok for an individual to intimidate someone else to such a degree that they are afraid to put their opposing beliefs on their home page???

With all that said, I am exercising my right of freedom of speech to speak out against something that concerns me. If you are afraid that I might say something on this page that you may not want to hear, then my advise to you is the same that you would give to some who did not agree with what you believe... If you don't like it you don't have to read it!

My Point And Yes It Is Sharp

Freedom of Speech - I find it pathetic that so many naive Americans have become pawns in the Freedom of Speech campaign. I do not support Freedom of Speech in the way that it is being used, because I will never believe that our forefathers wanted people to have the right to use filthy and highly offensive language in places where young children or anyone else who is disgusted by it, might accidentally come across it. I also do not believe that they meant for people to have the right to freely display pornography in a public place, nor will anyone ever convince me that it is right to do so.

Someone once told me that although they did not care for "that" sort of stuff, they understood that there are people who do, and so those people should have the right to view it. I asked this person how they would feel if they were at a local supermarket, with their children or mother, and on one of the display racks was an assortment of perverted sex toys hanging in plain view. There are after all people who buy those sort of things, so shouldn't they be allowed to sell them in a public store? Of course any decent person would be disgusted by it and that is the reason we do not see that type of thing in a public store... yet!

Well ladies and gentlemen the internet is no longer just a bunch of business people and computer geeks. The internet is a public place! There are children on the net everyday and no matter how hard a parent tries, they can not be 100 percent positive that their child will not run across some of the filth I am talking about. If you do not believe me, try using one of the more popular search engines to look up something. I can almost guarantee you that no matter what subject you look up, there will be at least one link with filthy language in its description. Most of you already know what I am talking about.

So if you are a decent person and have been mislead into supporting the freedom of speech campaign as it is being interpreted, then ask yourself these questions...

1. Why should any decent person want the right to publish pornography and profanity in a public place?

2. Are a perverts rights to display this trash more important than your rights not to have to view it?

3. Do you really believe that any normal and intelligent person needs to use profanity to describe their home page?

4. Could it be that the perverts of the world really are smarter than the decent people?

5. Do I really want to display a Freedom of Speech Banner on my home page?

I dare you to stop sometime and ask yourself just what rights has the government taken away from you? In my opinion the government has allowed the people far to much freedom of speech. Just look at what the media did to that man who was being accused of the Olympics bombing. That's freedom of speech. Look at what happened when we were in the gulf war. The enemy didn't have to wonder what we were up to or where our men were, the media told them. That's freedom of speech. Look at how much money was spent on the O.J. trial. Much of the cost there was due to, you guessed it freedom of speech.

Humanity as a whole is losing its moral values and unsuspecting individuals are helping to enable its destruction by something as simple as displaying a banner on their home page. It upsets me to see a family home page with a banner that supports a perverts rights to freedom of speech, while kidnappers and rapists walk the streets, because we don't have enough prison space for them. Or to see a banner supporting filthy language on the internet while our children are receiving poor education's at the hands of under paid teachers. It disgusts me to see a banner that asks people to accept pornography, while children are living in poverty and dying of starvation in all of our countries. If you want to display a banner on your home page, then why not make it one that supports giving our children a better education. Or how about a banner showing your support for finding ways to help stop the increasing crime rate for children. Or perhaps a banner protesting how much money the government wastes on political campaigns, while "the people" are struggling just to put food on their tables.

Anyone who has even the least little bit of common sense must know that what our forefathers were trying to do by enabling this right, was give the people a right to speak out against injustices and to ensure that the people had a voice in government. Hence "By the people, for the people, and of the people. They meant for this right to help society, not to demoralize it.
