!!!!!!!!!!Steven met his Donor!!!!!!!!!

Steven met his donor Saturday, April 10th, 1999 at 11:00am at Cooks Childerns, Fort worth, Texas. The hospital was one of the stops on the "Lone Star Circle of Life" bike tour. A cyclists rode on behalf of Steven and his donor. Cooks Childrens Hospital flew Chris and His wife in to meet Steven and the riders. They had them picked up at the air port in a limo. Then Chris and Maria stayed in a quaint bed and breakfast called the White House at the hospitals expense! There was a huge Texas BBQ, and a blood & bone marrow drive at the same time. For more information on the bike tour click*Here*

We would like you to meet Steven's donor

Chris Coats and lovely wife Maria!
He is our angel, without his life saving gift of bone marrow, our little Steven wouldn't be 10 years old!! He had his 10th Birthday on January the 27th. We turned to the nation registry for a donor because no one in out family matched Steven. The doctors told us if he made it at all, his chances were slim but, without the transplant he wouldn't make it at all. Chris (Steven's donor) has been in and out of hospitals most of his life. At a young age he burned most of his body in a fire. He had tons of reconstructive surgeries. This angelic man and his wonderful wife have been unable to have childern. In a way he not only saved a life but got his chance to give life!! He and his wife lived in Anchorage, Alaska. So far away from Texas!! We just wanted to make this page to let them know how specail they are to us and to encourage others to be on the "National Bone Marrow Registry"!! Anyone age 18-60 can be a hero too :)

Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide

Call 1-800-643-2448 and ask for Vickie or Cooks Childrens in Fort Worth 817- 885-4000 (the main hospital number.)

Here is a picture of Steven and one of the many packages the donor has sent for him!!

Steven loves mail!

You can send mail to Steven:

Steven Haley
612 Blevins ave
Fort Worth, Texas 76111

[email protected]

Here is a picture of Steven and Michael sporting the new things the donor sent them!!

This page is in memory of Maria Angel Coats. The Donor's wife of 23 years. She passed from this world on November 20th, 1999. The last pictures made of her were the ones made at the meeting in Fort Worth at Circle of Life. Maria was one of the biggest hearted people I have ever known. She was family to us. We would email each other dialy and talk almost every weekened. Maria and Chris loved the boys so much they even put then in their wills. Maria called the night she passed and we laugh and stayed up talking on the phone together. Early that morning suddenly without warning she had a seizure that took her from us. This was very hard on our family and most of all on Chris the donor. Please keep him in your hearts and prayers!!

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