(The God Who Leads His People)
(Nehemiah 9:12)

12 Moreover thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go. 

Some Initial Remarks

1)  We began our study by looking to Jehovah as the God of creation. 
2)  Next we saw that Jehovah is a God who chooses His people. 
3)  Last week we saw that Jehovah is a God Who Sees and Hears His People. 

This week we return again to that Levitical prayer, this week's thought; Jehovah is a God who leads His people.  Isn't it a wonderful reality that we are not left to roam, but indeed are lead by God.  God leads us around the valley, God leads us through the valley.  Simply put God leads His people.  May we sense His leading in our lives not only today, but forever.  

The Names of our Great God:
The God Who Leads His People
"Moreover thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a pillar of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go"

In Verse 12 The fact seems to leap from the pages of Holy Scripture!  God leads His People.  What a comfort, what an assurance.  Jehovah is leading us.  Our circumstances might make us think differently, but the eye of faith will indeed verify, God is leading us.  Notice:
  1)  In verse 12 it is clear that God lead the children of Israel by day.  With the awesome sign of a pillar of smoke, God was leading His people.  At times when you would think no leading was required, when one could see ones way.  God was leading, the right path is not always the most traveled path.  The right path may not be obvious to our sight, indeed as the nation of Israel, he right path may be a path we have never seen, a path we have never traveled, to a place we have never been.  But praise God He is leading us even in the day, leading us to that place we have never been.
  2)  In verse 12 it is equally clear that God lead the children of Israel by night.  Here we find the time we need His guidance the most.  Night!  Times when we can't see the way, times when our sight is dimmed by the darkness of the times, the darkness of persecution, the darkness of sin, Jehovah is leading His people by night!  He lead the children of Israel in what was no doubt an awesome sight to behold, a pillar of fire.  God equally leads His people now.  Next week,  Lord willing as we look more at how God leads His people as we look at Jehovah ~ the God who teaches His people.


As I have dwelt with Jehovah leading His people I have focused on that spiritual leading.  Yet I must confess God leads us physically as well.  God is instrumental not only with the spiritual things we will see today, but the physical things as well.  May in our leading today we prove to be vessels of God's grace and mercy, pouring it out on a lost a dying world.  A world that knows nothing of grace, may they learn of it from us, the disciples of Jesus Christ, who are being lead by Him.

I know there are times in our life when we do not sense God's leading.  But I assure you God does not leave His children to roam, wander, or stumble in the darkness.  God is leading us, may we enjoy those times He leads us to the mountain, or He leads us to the flowing streams, and may we learn from Him when our path takes us through the valley.
