(Israel and The Church)
(He Is Not A Jew Which Is One Outwardly)
(Romans 2:28-29)


Romans 2:28 "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither [is that] circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:  29 But he [is] a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision [is that] of the heart, in the spirit, [and] not in the letter; whose praise [is] not of men, but of God." 

Opening Thoughts:

I have been on business travel for the last couple of weeks.  We will continue this week, with the theme that we actually started a few weeks back "Israel and the Church".  It is not my desire to give you my opinions, but only the words of the testimony.  As we have looked at Israel I do this not because I have a problem against "Jews after the flesh", but because their is a gross error that has permeated Christian thinking in our day.  This error goes to the core of many cardinal doctrines.  I want to show clearly from the word of God, that the only plan for Israel as a nation is the same plan for all nations, one by one, turn to Jesus Christ by faith.  No day is coming when God will convert the nation, no special time when God will ignore all of Israel's sin and unbelief.  Equally I want to show from the scriptures that Israel as a literal nation has forfeited God's promises due to unbelief, and these promises now belong to the Israel of God, to those who have faith in Jesus Christ regardless of skin color, these blessings were inherited and are being preserved because of the work of the sinless Son of God.

In context we find that Paul comes to this great proclamation after blasting Israel for their desire to be teachers of the law, but violating every one of God's laws.  He takes them to task for their continued stiff-neckedness and rebellion, all the while resting in the fact that they are a Jew, they have special privileges that no other nation has.  It is in that context that we come:

To our Text:

1)  First Paul establishes who is not a Jew.  Think for a moment if you were a Jew how you would understand what Paul is saying.  That is exactly what he means.  Because of the color of your skin, because of the nation of your birth, because of the location of your birth, none of these things according to Paul make you a Jew.  But what of circumcision, what of the outward mark of the covenant.  Again Paul would say it is not the outwardly things, it is not even circumcision that makes one a Jew.

2)  So to the pressing question:  How can we find a Jew, what sets one, who is part of God's special people apart from the masses.  Paul make it clear in verse 29.  First a Jew is one who has a difference inwardly.  So to be a real Jew one will have an inward difference, not an outward difference.  Second Paul describes what real circumcision is.  It is that circumcision which is of the heart, done by the Holy Spirit of God, and not done by the hands of men.  It is something that is not an outward obedience to an outward code, but rather an inward obedience brought about by the new birth.  

Closing Thoughts
So regardless of where you were born, where you live, the color of your skin, or even the rituals you follow, none of those things are marks of a real Jew.  Paul is clear, the marks of a real Jew are spiritual marks, they are marks that cannot be measured by a literal yardstick but rather a spiritual one.  If you have been born again then the Bible is clear, you are among the seed of Abraham because of your union with Jesus, if you have a new heart then you a Jew, part of the Israel of God.  If you are not then the color of your kin matters not, regardless I would urge you to repent and come to Jesus for He alone can save!
