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"House Call"
Part Two


(Linda smiles at Doug.)

Linda: You don't look too bad yourself. So, what can I do for you, stranger?

(Linda sits down opposite Doug and waits for him to answer.)

Doug: Just thought... we could chat...

Linda (raises her eyebrows): Chat? Well, there's a first. You've never come here to CHAT before.

Doug: Yeah, well... I've changed. The man you see before you is the new and improved Doug Ross.

Linda: Really? So the rumors are true, then?

Doug: Yeah, why? Does that surprise you?

Linda: Surprise me? It scares the hell out of me! Before, I knew you. Now... I don't.

(Doug chuckles and looks down. There is an embarrassing pause in conversation.)

Linda: So, what do you want to CHAT about?

(Doug sighs and looks up at Linda.)

Doug: Have you heard about me and Carol?

Linda: Getting married? Yes, I couldn't believe it when I heard. I thought What? Doug Ross? Getting married? The SAME Doug Ross who's afraid of ANY kind of commitment?

Doug (laughing): Hey, that's not fair.

Linda: Its true though.

Doug: Okay, point taken... but not anymore. I'm marrying Carol... or at least I thought I was.

Linda: What do you mean?

Doug: I caught her kissing another man, tonight... It was Tag.

Linda: Tag?... John Taglieri?

Doug: Yep... the one and only.

Linda: Where did you catch them?

Doug: At her place. I arrived late for a meal and they were in the dining room.

Linda: At her place? No, you've got it wrong, Doug. If she were going to have an affair, especially with her ex-fiancé, she wouldn't have done it at home... especially when YOU were due there any minute. Believe me, I know.

Doug: Maybe she wanted me to find out. Maybe it added to the excitement...

Linda: Of kissing John Taglieri?... Doug, NOTHING could add to the excitement of kissing John Taglieri. Kissing HIM must be like kissing a wet fish!

(Doug laughs and looks up at Linda.)

Doug: Tell me, why did we stop going out?

Linda: Why?... You really want to know?... Because I was intimidated by Carol.

Doug: Intimidated by Carol?... Why?

Linda: Because I couldn't compete with her. She had something I could NEVER have.

Doug: What are you talking about?

Linda: The ability to have you think about her... no matter what you were doing or WHO you were with.

Doug: How did you know that?

Linda: Because I'm a woman, Doug... and women know EVERYTHING.

Doug (chuckles): Oh yeah, I forgot.

(Linda smiles and stands up. She walks across the room to the side and picks up a bottle.)

Linda: Doug? Would you like a drink?

(Doug rubs his face and thinks.)

Doug: Nah... better not.

(Linda opens her mouth wide.)

Linda: Oh my God! I never thought Id live to see the day Doug Ross REFUSES a drink?

Doug (chuckles):
Told you I was reformed.

Linda: Just one wont hurt.

Doug: Its not the one I'm worried about. Its the fact that if I have ONE, I might have another one, and then another one, and then maybe some more after that. Then, Id be drunk and probably end up sleeping with you.

Linda: And that's what's worrying you?... Thank you.

Doug: Oh no, I didn't mean it like that, Linda. You know what I mean.

(Linda smiles and sits back down.)

Linda: Yeah, I know what you mean... Anyway, Doug Ross...

Doug: Oh, its Doug Ross now, is it? Something must be coming...

Linda: Its nice to know you haven't changed COMPLETELY. You're still very sure of yourself, aren't you?... What makes you think I'd WANT to sleep with you, anyway?

Doug (chuckles): Well...

(Linda cuts him off.)

Linda: No, don't tell me. I don't want to know.

(Linda looks at her watch.)

Linda: Its late... Wont Carol be wondering where you are?

Doug (shrugs): Probably...

Linda: Look, Doug. I know what you're going through. I've had the same done to me. It isn't very easy, I know... But I honestly think you've got it all wrong. I KNOW Carol. She wouldn't do that to you... Now if it were the other way round and Carol had caught YOU, then Id believe it.

(Linda laughs and Doug smiles at her.)

Doug: You really think so? You really think its just a misunderstanding?

Linda: I'm certain of it... Doug, let me ask you a question... Why are you marrying her? I mean, REALLY, why are you marrying her?

(Doug sits in silence for a moment, before answering.)

Doug: Because I love her.

Linda: EXACTLY. You love her... which means you HAVE to trust her. There's no point in you even having a relationship if there's no trust. Think about Carol. She's had to put a LOT more trust in YOU, after what you put her through. She agreed to marry you, and I think that says it all, on her part.

Doug (nodding): You know something? You're right. You're actually right.

Linda: Of course I am. That's another quality ALL women have.

(She smiles as they both stand up.)

Doug: Thanks, Linda. I really appreciate what you've done for me, tonight.

Linda: Anytime, Doug. You know that... So do I get a hug?

Doug (smiles): Of course.

(They put their arms around each other and hug tightly.)

Linda: Come on. I'll show you to the door.

Doug: I think I know where it is... I SHOULD do!

(They laugh and walk to the door. Linda opens it and Doug walks out onto the doorstep before tuning around to face her.)

Linda: I would have, you know...

Doug (confused): Would have what?

Linda: I would have slept with you.

(She smiles as he turns and starts to walk slowly, down the path. He looks around at her.)

Doug: You realize this is the first time I've EVER left your house without sleeping with you?

Linda: My God! I hadn't realized, you're right. You really HAVE changed!

(They smile at each other and Doug starts walking away from the house.)

Doug (shouting): Thanks, Linda.

Linda (shouting): Give my love to Carol.

Doug (shouting): What?... and tell her I've been HERE all this time? I don't think so.

Linda (still shouting): Think about what we talked about, Doug.

(Doug waves and Linda closes her door. Cut to show Doug turn up the collar of his coat, as he heads into the night.)



(Its late. Doug has just walked into Carols house. The house is in darkness and he walks quietly, so as not to wake her. He walks into the kitchen and puts his coat on the side. He walks into the dining room to see the candles in the middle of the table are still alight. They have burned down and are flickering brightly, about to go out. He looks to the corner of the room and sees Carol, asleep in a chair. We follow him as he walks into the bedroom, takes a blanket off the bed, and walks back over to Carol. He places it over her, gently. He pauses for a moment, looking at her face in the candlelight. He smiles and leans forward to kiss her on her cheek.)

Doug (whispering): Goodnight, sweetheart.

(He walks out of the room, into the bedroom and closes the door behind him. We cut to show Carol, still sleeping. The candles go out and the room turns to darkness.)



(A beam of sunlight hits Carols face and she wakes up. She rubs her eyes and walks into the kitchen. She looks at the clock. It reads five thirty. She takes a glass out of the cupboard and walks to the sink. She turns the tap on, lets the water run for a while, and then fills the glass up. She turns around and leans against the sink to drink it. When she brings the glass away, she notices Doug's coat on the side. Realizing he's in the house, she puts the glass down and walks to the bedroom door. She puts her ear to it and listens.)

Carol (quietly):

(She opens the door and looks towards the bed. He is lying on his back under the covers, spread all over the bed, in a star shape. She smiles and walks over to the left side of the bed. She strokes his hair, gently.)

Carol (quietly):
Doug?... You awake?

(Doug still has his eyes closed but brings his hand up to rub his face. He opens his eyes and looks at Carol.)

Doug: What time is it?

Carol (still quietly): Its five thirty... Can I come in with you?

Doug: Sure you can.

(He moves over to the other side of the bed. Carol gets in.)

Doug: Can I have a cuddle?

(Carol smiles, relieved. He puts his arm around her and she snuggles up to him. They both look up at the ceiling.)

Carol: Doug?... about last night...

Doug: Hey, it doesn't matter. If you say there's nothing to it... there's nothing to it.

Carol: Doug, there wasn't anything to it. It was just a kiss. He came to congratulate us, I swear. It was just a goodbye kiss...

Doug: Carol, relax. I believe you... I'm sorry I ran off. I should have stayed and listened to your explanation. You have nothing to apologize for.

Carol: Oh, but I do. Doug...

(Doug cuts her off.)

Doug: Carol, just forget about it, okay? It doesn't matter.

(Carol sighs and nothing is said for several moments. We see them both close their eyes, as they fall asleep in each others arms.)



(It's eight thirty. Carol and Doug are both in the bedroom. Carol is looking into a mirror, combing her hair. Doug is fastening his shirt.)

Doug: Oh, by the way... Linda sends her love.

(Carol stops combing her hair and turns around to face Doug.)

Carol: Linda?... Linda Farrell?

Doug: Yep... She sends her love.

Carol: Oh.

(Carol turns back around to face the mirror. We see Doug counting silently to five. When he reaches number five, Carol turns back around.)

Carol: When did you see Linda?

(Doug chuckles as he picks up a tie and places it around his neck.)

Doug: Last night... when I went round to her house.

Carol: Oh.

(Doug smiles and Carol turns to face the mirror again. Doug counts to five again and she turns back around to face him.)

Carol (trying not to sound too interested): Doug?... What did you go round to her house for?

Doug (chuckles): Well... after we made mad passionate love to each other, we talked about you.

(Carol stands up and walks over to Doug with an angry expression on her face.)

Carol: Doug Ross! You have the cheek to stand there and tell me that you did THAT with HER?!?... You talked about ME! How could you?!?

(She smiles at him sweetly, reaches her hands up, and fiddles with his tie.)

Doug: You know I love you, don't you?

Carol: I know.

(She finishes with his tie, folds his shirt collar down, and then moves her hands up to his face.)

Carol: I love you, Doug Ross.

(They put their arms around each other. She kisses him and they fall onto the bed, laughing.)


Send your comments to Claire Hinchcliffe