Are you proud of your paris Home Page?

The paris Community Leaders would like to invite you to help us find the great pages in paris to be spotlighted in our Community Center.  We are now accepting nominations for our prestigious Suburb Site of the Month Award.  We know there are a lot of wonderful sites in paris, and that they deserve some recognition for their efforts and continued contributions to our Community.  We just need a little help finding them.

paris--A GeoCities Community
How this works:

Fill out the nomination form.  All sites that are nominated, rather it be your own or another fantastic site you have come across in Geoparis will be reviewed by our awards team, to verify that the site meets GeoCities Content Guidelines.  Once it passes this inspection, it will be added to a voting booth for the paris Community Leaders to Vote on.  At the end of each month, the site receiving the most votes in it's respective suburb will be declared the winner.  All winners will have a link to their site showcased on the paris Community Centers Main page for the following month.  They will also receive an awards banner to display on their site.

The site must be in the GeoCities paris Neighborhood.
The site must be within GeoCities Content Guidelines
The site must have viable content.  Not just pages of links, or only one page
Fill out the nomination form:

Enter the complete url for the site you wish to nominate (Do Not enter vanity url's they will be disregarded)

Which Suburb is the Site located in

Give a brief description of the site

Why do you feel this site is outstanding?

Submitter's email address (Only if you would like feedback from this review)

***Contest Disclaimer

Information collected from entries in this contest will be used by The paris Community Leaders solely for the purposes of conducting this contest, awarding of prizes, and announcing the winners of those prizes. CHILDREN UNDER 13 - YOU MUST ENTER YOUR PARENT'S E-MAIL AND OTHER PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ORDER TO ENTER THIS CONTEST.

This contest is sponsored solely by the paris Community Leaders. GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the awarding of prizes pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact Bethany, paris Community Leader Liaison
***Notice we are looking for a few individuals that would like to volunteer to help us with the voting process,  If you think you would like to do this please write Bethany at [email protected]

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