How to create your own homepage in paris

What's on this page:
How to create your page:

(GeoCities has directions, too, click here.)

Go to the GeoCities File Manager. With your user name, your password, and your paris address, you'll enter the Editor site, where you can select from one of three options:

If you need help, remember the GeoCities Online Help Center, and also check the Help Forum to see if someone else has had the same difficulties that you have. Another great GeoCities resource is the Homepage FAQ.

Learning HTML

If HTML seems confusing, but you'd like to learn it, check GeoCities' HTML Help page, or these sites:

Even more HTML help is available at Adding that extra dazzle

If you want more "extras" for your page, you'll find a helpful list at GeoCities' Internet Tools - Resource Guide.

For inspiration, check Creating Killer Web Pages.

However, before you add too many graphics, you might want to consider whether your international visitors will see what you've created.

Once you've decided how you'd like your page to look, you'll find these pages useful:

Collect FREE graphics, backgrounds, and clip art at:
Mostly clip art & graphics:

If you need help getting your graphic on your page, start with A Crash Course in Putting Graphics on Your GeoCities Page. Most of the HTML references, above, also talk you through this process. Mostly backgrounds: If you're looking for a picture of a particular subject, you might find it by searching Yahoo's Image Surfer.

Also, the clip art and background lists above are ridiculously brief. For a more complete search, use any search engine (such as Yahoo) and keywords such as "free, graphics, clip art, backgrounds" to find what you need.

Image maps

You'll find help with image maps at the GeoCities' various help pages. If you need more advice, check this:

How to create fast-loading pages:

The smaller your file size, the faster the pages will load. Many experts advise that you keep your pages under 40 KB, including graphics. In fact, graphics are what slow a page down, more than almost anything. (Well, audio files slow it as well... but that's a topic for another day.) Learn more about reducing graphics at Webmastering Class

If your page is just toooo long or too large, divide it into separate pages. Use GeoCities' Advanced HTML Editor, and just type in the name of the new page you'd like to create. When you click to go to that page, the brilliant computer at GeoCities has already created it for you.... ready for you to add the HTML!

The only rules here are:

And if you still have questions, remember theGeoCities Online Help Center, the GeoCities Help Form, and the Help Forum. Or contact your paris Community Leaders... just see the list to determine who's going to be most helpful. (And please contact just ONE Leader at a time! Thanks!) 
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