Homepage Resources

Geocities specific
The GeoLink Code Not compulsory anymore, but nice - find cut'n'paste templates here!
Icons for the GeoLink that can be used instead of the standard gif. For parisians only - made by your paris Community Leaders!
General Web Editing
Entry Level Bethany's Help Area
Wellesley's Ultimate Tutorial
How to create a Homepage in paris
Crash Course in Adding Graphics
Beginner's Guide to HTML
Advanced HTML Goodies
SELFHTML - best resource I've ever seen - but alas, in German only. Translators sought!
Netscape HTML Resources
NCSA HTML resources
Web Developer's Virtual Library
Web Graphics Tutorial
Animated GIF Tutorial
JavaScripts sample scripts
Cameron's JavaScript Stuff sample scripts
Cut'n'paste Javascript
The JavaScript Index
Squatt JavaScript Zine with tutorials
Nasty JavaScript Tricks these pages were removed from Geo for hacking... but actually they are harmless and highly informative. Turn JavaScript off, though...
Java Applets
Yahoo!Geocities Applet Library Free Applets
Java Directory Applets galore
JavaWoman More applets, links, tutorials
Getting Hits
Search Engines Optimize the listing of your page
Counters Yahoo!Geocities Counter
FixWeb - also statistics
Guestbooks Yahoo!Geocities Guestbook
Graphics Cooltext.com - Free custom graphics, fonts and more!
Yahoo!Geocities Clipart
Barry's Clipart
24 Hour Graphics - Links to graphic resources
CGI Service CGIFree - Various CGIs
NetMind - Monitor updates on a certain URL
FreeMail - Mail form service
Mailform - ditto
Response-O-Matic - ditto
Software (all for Windows - NOT free)
Coffee Cup Software Shareware programs including:
CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ (with Expresso FTP)
CoffeeCup Direct FTP
CoffeeCup Image Mapper++
CoffeeCup Gif Animator
CoffeeCup HTML Express
CoffeeCup Style Sheet Maker++
The Java Applets
- Applet Button Factory
- Applet Marquee Wizard
- Applet Password Wizard
- Applet Navigation Factory
- Applet Headline Factory
- Applet Effects Factory
GifCon Shareware construction set for animated gifs
Animagic Create animated GIFs.
Adobe PhotoShop Demo of the powerful, but expensive Graphics package. "Save" disabled.
Paint Shop Pro Time-limited but fully functional evaluation version of the highly popular graphics tool
CuteFTP popular and easy-to-use FTP client
NetMechanic Server Benchmark, check for dead links, check HTML code for errors
Website Gragage Check for dead links, check HTML code for errors


This page was prepared by Skyrket and Contouche.
Last updated: August 8, 1999

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