Vernichtungslager Kulmhof an der Nerem


One of the four major exterminationcamps the Nazi's build in Poland in a forest, near small village called Kulmhof an der Nerem (Chelmno nad Nerem in Polish), in Poland.


The camp was established in December 1941. It was one the three exterminationcamps that was established as a result of Aktion Reinhard ("Operation Reinhard"). The main purpose was the carry out the extermination of the ghetto of Lodz. The camp existed until April 1943. In that period of time, an estimated of 360000 Jewish people were murdered by the SS. In April 1943, the SS destroyed the whole camp and planted new trees and shrubs.

Current status:

In the years 1986 - 1987 excavations were undertaken at the site of the former camp. Now there some monuments build.

  The location of the crematorium, found during excavations carried out between 1986-1987. (1993)
  Monument on the former camp site (1993).



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