If you know links that are not available anymore or if you find any links with a relation to camps, German war industry, bunkers & complexes and W.W.II museums, let me know.

Fortifications, bunkers, building sites, etc.

German Atlantikwall (General)

Atlantikwall in Norway

Atlantikwall in Danmark

Atlantikwall in Germany

Atlantikwall in Netherlands

Atlantikwall in Belgium

Atlantikwall in France

Atlantikwall in the United Kingdom

German "Ostwall" (Festungsfront Oder Warthe Bogen)

German Pommernstellung

German Westwall

German WWII undergound production and weapon facilities

Links to V-Weapons related sites

French Maginot Line

Czech pre-WWII fortications and constructions

Belgium WWII related fortications and constructions

Dutch WWII related fortications and constructions

UK WWII related fortications and constructions

Finish WWII related fortications and constructions

Swedish WWII related fortications and constructions

Former Yugoslav WWII related fortications and constructions

Fortification magazines (on-line and paper)

Other non-WWII related fortications and constructions

Fortifications and modelling

Nazi terror, forced labor camps, concentrationcamps, etc.

General sites related to forced labour camps, concentrationcamps, etc.


POW camps

Concentration subcamps

German euthanasia action (Aktion T4) related sites

Other camps and sites related to Nazi terror


Holocaust related museums, institutes, etc.

Other Holocaust related sites


General museum sites

WWII museum

Armour related museums

Airforce related museums

Other military related museums

(Battlefield) Tours

Military, WWII general

German Occupation

WWII battles

General campaign links

Normandy Landings

Market Garden

Battle of the Bulge

Armour related sites

Army related sites

Airforce related sites

Navy related sites

Weapons related sites

V-Weapons related site

WWII military unit sites

WWII general

Links to Links


On-line bookstores with related WWII books


Organisations related to German WWII Fortification

S-Mail addresses of related organisations:


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