Thank YOU for signing The Pet'escue Network Guestbook!

- 08/22/99 22:12:19
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): harrow,on

great,im just looking around and found this great site on dogs

Bunnymom5 - 08/03/99 16:24:09
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/Haven/7837
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): USA
Your Site's Name: Bunnymom5's Rabbit Care Guide

WOW! Your site is GREAT! It is laid out really well... it's just GREAT! >:3)

Amanda - 07/19/99 05:11:40
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Valley/2033
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): WA state
Your Site's Name: Amanda's Horsey page

You have a super page, lots of good information. I enjoyed my visit!

michele thomas - 07/06/99 01:13:51
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): South Carolina
Your Site's Name: Mishars Shih Tzu

Your site is just AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sarnewfie - 05/15/99 21:55:01
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/Haven/4505/
From (City,etc): USA
Your Site's Name: Newfoundland and Rotty working in Search and Rescue

your site is very nice! i enjoyed my visit. if you wouldnt mind you could put a link to my site and i can do the same for you. i love all animals and feel they are so beautiful and giving. thank you for sharing

Katherine - 05/07/99 02:35:15
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): N. Olmsted, OH.

We've lost a 10 year old Norwegain Elkhound who was living with my son in Sumter, SC.

jennifer - 05/03/99 21:36:59
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Austin, TX
Your Site's Name: ...i thought i saw a smile...

Great Site!!!! Very Informative!!

Craig Lindberg - 04/24/99 20:56:30
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Charlotte, NC
Your Site's Name: ScoutWorld


We really like your site.

Ginger St. Charles - 03/11/99 01:37:25
My Email:POOHBR1969
From (City,etc): Detroit

I moved here from Nashville in October with my little Bailey. I don't know what I would do without him. He is a white and silver Shih Tzu that will turn 1 in April. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Now I just need to find him a little friend to play with.

Cuffie - 02/16/99 12:26:16
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/8222 /homestead/~westiez
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Brisane, Australia
Your Site's Name: Kitties Downunder, Westies Downunder

Absolutely wonderful page. Excellent information and great links. Well laid out and easy to find your way around. You love of animals is reflected very well. Thank you for the great visit.

Santana - 12/27/98 06:32:39
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Vancouver, BC, Canada
Your Site's Name: Santana's Little Spot On The Net

Hi it's me Santana. Just sniffin around to see what's new. I always love visiting your site. Enjoy the rest of the holidays and have a Happy New Year.

Home of Santana's Millenium Dog 2000 Contest

The Little Dog JOSCHI - 12/02/98 07:48:00
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/4000
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Osnabrueck/Germany
Your Site's Name: The Little Dog JOSCHI Introduces Himself

Hi! - I love your site. - I'm a small dog from Germany and I wanna say woof! woof! to all them dogs all around this big fine smelling planet earth. Want to see me and read my story? You're surely invited!

Woof! Woof! - I don't bite 
you, don't 
be scared!

Please, visit me!

Kitty Sue - 12/01/98 19:31:27

Hi, you have a really great site!!


Susie - 11/16/98 04:03:31
My URL:/homestead/~sniksnak/
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): N Catasauqua, PA USA
Your Site's Name: Pawprints and Purrs

Hi dear Benji,
I know, I know...I promised weeks ago to drop by to sign your new guestbook. Welp, hon, I'm here. Love the new name, the new look and the tons of new information for all pets! You've done such an outstanding job. We love you! Sunshine, Craig and the Kidde s

Gerry Brehm - 10/31/98 15:52:13
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Your Site's Name: Peninsula Animal Welfare Society, Inc. PAWS

What a wonderful site you have, just loaded with all sorts of excellent information. You're hard work is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless you for helping to make a difference for the animals.

Lorraine McAllister - 10/21/98 03:37:41
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/4840
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Fredericton, NB Canada
Your Site's Name: Diva & Tiki's Purrsonal Home Page

Followed an award off a ferret site, they are soooo cute, I've been absolutely smitten by them. I've had to bookmark this page, loads of content! Will be back to read up on issues for my feline duo. I love the layout of this site, excellent. Just want d to pop in and say good job, very well done.

Lauri Sybel - 10/20/98 20:33:40
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Randolph, Vermont

I have some questions. I hope you can help me. #1 - How can I speak by email to Sylvia's parents? I found the Web page but not the email. #2 - Can you recommend a quality breeder of Himilayians in Northern New England. We lost our dear baby kittie a few weeks ago and are still in pain over it. In searching the web I learned about feline sarcomas. I'd like to try and talk with more people about it. Our story is below as shared with friends...... The Death of Pippin Thank you to everyone who sent me email, cards and phone calls. My friend, Pete Salinger, even made a stone and brass marker for his grave. I can't tell you how much it still hurts. Pippin was my best friend and companion when Randy was gone. How I loved that little guy. I had an autopsy done. The vet (a different vet from his doctor) diagnosed it as chyrothorax disease. This is a sort of filling of the lungs with fluid plasma that comes from the lymph system. Sort of like a pneumonia. The vet said it's mysterous disease and she's not sure how he got it. Perhaps at birth. You see what was strange, was Pippin was just at the vet for his annual check up and he was breathing fine. Picture of health. After his shots, 28 days later, he's dead. But thanks to the advent of the Internet, I started doing my own research. How can a three year old kittie die?? I discovered that chyrothorax is associated with two major things: heart disease (which he could have been born with??) and cancer. Want to take a guess?? Rabies shots give cancerous tumors to animals. Didn't know?? Check out the web site. I warn you, especially for cat lovers, this will break your heart. But there are dozens and dozens of animals that have died from weeks to months from their vet appointments because of rabies and dystempa shots. The plea from the Web page is, stay educated about your pet's health. We are educated consumers about our own health, don't be blind to what vet's know or don't know. Randy and I have vowed never to give rabies to our indoor animals again. They are actually trying to change this on a National level now siting tha it may be better to risk an animal getting rabies than suffer the consequences of a shot. Or give shots three times a year in smaller doses instead of once a year to a little body. The AVA in Denver said in a given year when all cats were given rabies shots, (400,000) 84 cats will get a cancerous tumor and die. May sound like a small odd until I ask if you want to put your pet up as one of the 84. I'd sure take the trade. Here's the Web site: /homestead/~kremersark/newhope.html

TexasPepper - 10/15/98 21:03:56
My URL:/homestead/heartland/meadows/2999
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): TEXAS
Your Site's Name: TexasPepper's Home Page

What a FABULOUS site you have here...there is so much to see and I'm going to have to keep coming back until I see it all!!!! Thanks so much for caring and sharing!!!!! *purrs*

Cindy - 10/13/98 22:13:53
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Pointe/8702
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Birmingham, Al.
Your Site's Name: Tigger's Cat Tales

What a wonderful site! Not only is it very well designed and easy to navigate but it has lots of great information, too. My kitties & I were very impressed!

Linda Adsitt - 10/11/98 12:31:04
My Email:[email protected]
Your Site's Name: Linda LaRae and Pard's Poetry Page

I have only just started to look through your site, But wanted to stop a minute and let you know so far it is great and will surly give me a fun few hours to spend my day.. thanks for sharing. Linda

Ann Berlin - 10/11/98 04:15:18
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Calif
Your Site's Name: Haven Books International

Love your site. Linked it to mine.

Spidey & Mrs_Spi - 10/09/98 18:55:53
My URL:/homestead/rainforest/4627
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Hannibal Missouri
Your Site's Name: Society for Species Management and Survival

Enjoyed your site very much. Very grateful to see someone else out there trying to make a difference. If you get a chance, please visit our site.

Linda Balogh - 10/07/98 20:15:33
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Mt. Clemens, Mi
Your Site's Name: Balogh's Bluewater Shih Tzu

Ben, Wow! Thank you for all the time and hard work I know went into creating this very informative and caring site for all animal lovers. I have borrowed a couple of links to add to my site, because we do need lots of help to control pet over population a d to stop animal cruelty. I am very honored you chose to award my site, and have displayed it proudly...

Cricket - 09/29/98 14:51:46
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Same womb as you
Your Site's Name: Cricket's Home for Wayward Animals

What an incredible site you have here!! You're so talented when it comes to html. Your sister must have taught you everything you know! As for your work with have a spot in heaven reserved for you :-)

Maxine - 09/29/98 04:34:02
My URL:/homestead/petsburgh/2418
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): NYC
Your Site's Name: The BratCats

Ben, the site is just awesome. What a beautiful job you did. Will be back again soon. Have bookmarked.

Ben Ciolczynski - 09/28/98 20:11:47
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Hills/3678
My Email:[email protected]
From (City,etc): Hamilton, ON. Canada
Your Site's Name: Home & Hearth

Hi Josie, just had to say how much I enjoyed my visit to your new site. Informative, resourceful and very well designed.

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