"Don't Worry Be Happy"

strange but true cat facts

You're not going to believe this!

from:The Secret Life of Cats by Arline Bleecker

There was once a law on the books of Reed City, MI. making it illegal to own both a cat and a bird.

In 1973, then-California Governor, Ronald Reagan, signed into law prison penalties for kicking or injuring another person's cat.

On the other hand, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a well known cat-hater, forbade cats in the White House. (So how'd we ever come up with a slogan like "I Like Ike" for this guy?)

A cat named Mousam received a notice to report for jury duty. When Mousam's owner notified the board of elections that their potential juror was a cat, Mousam was disqualified. Bet you'll never guess why. NOT because Mousam was a cat, but because he couldn't speak English!

At last count, four museums in the world are devoted entirely to cats: One in Basel, Switzerland, two are in the Netherlands, and a fourth in Ainvelle in northwest France. (Now those folks understand fine art!)

Other tidbits...

The body of a domestic cat contains 230 bones. This is 24 more than our humans have!

A cat sees best at a distance of six to twenty feet. Watch out, we know what you're doing in the next room!

The walking pattern of your cat matches that of only two other animals. Can you guess which ones?
If you said giraffe and camel, you are correct!!!



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