1985 - 2000

We will always love and remember our *Special* & *Precious* PEKINGESE FRIEND BRANDON who passed to The Rainbow Bridge...


He and his Slave/Mommy LISA MORENO PERRY signed on to our Absolute Best Dog! club on Prodigy Classic around 13 years ago and right away we knew that he was a Royal and loving ABD!, and that he and his Mommy*LISA would be our friend(s) forever.

Dear Precious BRANDON had a tumor and had lost his eyesight, for a year or more, and his faithful slaves', Auntie*LISA & Uncle*MICHAEL (and especially Absolute Best Kit*Kat MS. KAYLEIGH) watched over him tenderly during his illness that took his life. MS. KAYLEIGH slept with him every night and helped him find his way around his house.

BRANDON had his very own Couch Bed that he slept on and he enjoyed the loving and tender care that he was given throughout his 15-1/2 years of life with his family. They are mourning his passing and trying to cope with the shock of their deep loss! But they also realize that BRANDON IS IN PAIN NO MORE but is young and healthy again, playing with all of his Angel Friends who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge before him.

We will be adding pictures and thoughts of BRANDON here over the next few days and pray that his Mommy*LISA will begin feeling much better soon and will be able to write an ode for her Pekingese 'Child' BRANDON aka BRAN THE MAN!

In the meantime, WE LOVE YOU BRANDON, our Precious, Loyal, Loving and Royal Peke Friend and always will..! "Our Heart(s) Will Go On!"


LISA & MICHAEL are taking a trip to UTAH Monday, May 9th,2005, and because the first day they will be going to BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SANCTUARY in UTAH where they have a beautiful pet cemetery in that area called ANGEL'S REST, LISA took a piece of flagstone from the backyard, washed it real good and pasted BRANDON'S picture to it (It is also weather proofed) and she & MICHAEL are going to leave it at the pet cemetery in Utah as a MEMORIAL TO BRANDON:),:)!! Doesn't he look FANTASTIC on THE ROCK:)??

We will always love
A message from the heart of LISA for her ANGEL BRANDON

I wrote this poem earlier this year about my Sweet Brandon and I would like to share it with everyone. It has been published in a poetry book entitled "Shades of Grey."


I got him when he was only six weeks
Just a little ball of fur
That's Brandon my Pekingese
I thought he'd never quiet down for sure.
Our favorite game was "Cops & Robbers":)
I'd empty the rounds from my gun
I'd chase him from behind furniture
For us it was fun!
Now Brandon is 15
I long to see him run and jump
It's hard for him to walk and he can't see
In my throat I get a lump.
I hold him in my arms
Looking into his grey muzzled face
The little guy still has charm
But I know he's losing the race.
I don't know yet when the time will come
For Brandon, my little friend
Through the years we've shared a lot of love
And I'll be at his side in the end.


Dear Lisa,
We, my family and I, have found much *peace* in the poem entitled:

~I Am Not There...~

Please do not stand by My Grave and weep
I Am Not There! I Do Not Sleep!
I am a thousand Winds that Blow,
I am the Diamond's Glint on Snow,
I am the Sunlight on ripened Grain.
I am the gentle Autumn's Rain.
When you awaken in the Morning's Hush,
I am the Swift, Uplifting Rush of Quiet Birds in Circle Flight.
I am a Soft Star that Shines at Night.
Do not Stand at My Grave and Cry~ I am NOT THERE.
~~Author Unknown

This is BRAN THE MAN with his NEW "DO":)and we love to see him trying to touch his no-nosey with his tongue:)!

Our Dear MS.SANDI & PEKE AVENUE FRIENDS, we appreciate so much your remembering Precious Angel*Now BRANDON.

Angel Brandon has been put on the Angel's Memorial Wall! Thanks so much dear Angel Graphic Maker and Pet Lover:) MS. SUSUE!

Auntie*Lisa and Family thank you, MS. SANDI and your PEKEHAVEN for TOOT'S and MUFFET'S LOVING MEMORY AWARD:)!

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song: My Heart Will Go On!

(c) 1998 ~ 2006 - ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! All rights reserved. No original graphics or text may be copied or used in any form without permission of the authors or their agents.All pictures used are used by permission of their owners.