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MAY 11, 1991 - NOVEMBER 8, 2001

We are saddended by the LOSS of our beloved "Jj":(! He passed away to the Rainbow Bridge November 8, 2001. His Mom DEBRA & Dad MARK have been in mourning for "Angel Now" Toy Poodle JESSE' aka "Jj" for about three years now and that is why we put off making a MEMORIAL PAGE for him.

We SURELY did tease JESSE' JACOB way too much, but HE luved it that way! He gotz his *FUN* BIG TIME when he use to GO to the DOO DAH PARADE ALABAMA*WAY and just luved 2 STRUT HIS STUFFY along with the rest of the ABP!s= Absolute Best Pet!s. Isn't he cute? "Jj" also just luved to visit us'ns & had his very own *float* to float in the *ool (without any *P):),2! Problem is HE & KOI*BOI had this *territorial* thingy go'n...ALL THE TIME*US:(!

(TISHY bark'n)!

This is another "gift" Jj received and so we are putting it here too!

This is the beautiful GULLY FRIENDSHIP AWARDY:) and JESSE' was soooooooooo proud that Mr. MIGUEL & Famous Poodles awarded it just 4 him! He wanted all of you Absolute Best Dog! POODLE LOVERS to clicky on this pic and visit 'over there' in the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Sooo, we have friendzzzzs ALL OVER THE WORLD, huh:0)? For some reason, the link isn't working:(, but you can enjoy the beautiful picture! (Tishy barky'n here & Thanks UNCLE MIGUEL for this grand awardy for "Bratso" "Jj":) that we MISS VERY MUCH...sigh!!!)

| Tishna | Mama*D | Candlelite Ceremony |

song: =_"Endless Love"_=!


(c) 1998 ~ 2005 - ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! All rights reserved. No original graphics or text may be copied or used in any form without permission of the authors or their agents. 1