At Play

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At Play

While I list music and reading amongst my hobbies, much of my spare time is spent on the computer.

Sadly I don't get as much time as I used to, to work on my own programs, so I tend to do beta testing of other people's work.

In 1986 when I moved to the U.S., the Macintosh had been released two years earlier, and the online scene was starting to take off, yet there was little communications software available (Red Ryder by Scott Watson of FreeSoft, Inc. was the major package of the day; Red Ryder BBS later became Second Sight). I ported the popular WWIV BBS software for the PC (by Wayne Bell, who has now sold the rights to WWIV Software Services), to the Macintosh. I maintained and supported WWIV Mac BBS for a number of years, but it suffered from a poor port, and eventually another WWIV BBS clone, Hermes (by Frank Price of AOC Software, who sold the rights to Lloyd Woodall of Computer Classifieds, who marketed it as Hermes II), took over the Macintosh market, so I stopped supporting WWIV Mac BBS.

I have written a few freeware/ShareWare pieces of software, and most recently my time has been spent on co-developing and supporting a number of open source projects (before it was cool to call them "open source" :), including :

Software I have developed or help develop in my spare time

  • AppleLink Package Translator (contract with Aladdin Systems, Inc.) for StuffIt Deluxe.
  • StuffIt 1.x to Deluxe Converter (freeware)
  • various pieces for Userland Frontier.
  • FilterTop, a GUI batch orientated file manipulation application for the Macintosh. FilterTop is a freeware product with open source, available from TopSoft, Inc., a non-profit Internet based Macintosh programming/user's group.
  • AutoCopyROM, an application for Mac OS that auto captures ROMs for emulators.

Software I have ported or help to port from other platforms

  • WWIV Mac BBS (ShareWare)
  • Tidy for Mac OS (freeware)
  • for Mac OS X (freeware)
  • DDD for Mac OS X (freeware)

Products I have beta tested

The following is a list of products I have beta tested over the years. It does not include "public betas", testing related to my work, nor unreleased products. In most cases, multiple different release versions of the software were tested. Unless otherwise specified, Mac versions were tested.

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Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Terry Teague
[email protected]
Date Last Modified: 12/14/2003
Replace "abuse" with "teague" in EMail address

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