From Kevin Smith on CompuServe, posted with permission. Enjoy! ============================================================== Instructions for preparing DELPHI to compile a DOS EXE with DCC.EXE Requirements: 1) BP7 Runtime library source 2) Delphi VCL source 3) TASM.EXE 4) The new DLIB.EXE (available from CompuServe DELPHI forum) Assumptions: 1) BP7 RTL is in \BP\RTL 2) Delphi VCL is in \DELPHI\SOURCE 3) \DELPHI\BIN is in your path as well as TASM.EXE Copy from \BP\RTL\SYS to \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\SYS (all are .ASM): MAIN, PARS, LAST, HEAP, F87H, EI87, EI86, DLIB, DAPP (* note ERRC that was in this list has been removed - it should not be copied over or exception handling will not work *) -- DOS Real Mode ---------------------------------------------------------- Objective: create a TURBO.TPL with units compiled under DELPHI 1) The first and main requirement is to get a SYSTEM.TPU for DOS mode. This will take some work because Delphi VCL source does not include MAIN.ASM which is required for compiling SYSTEM.PAS in DOS mode. Some things need to be removed from MAIN.ASM because they now exist in EXIT.ASM: - remove HaltTurbo, HaltError, Terminate, PrintString from the PUBLIC section. - remove the procedure code for the above procedures. (HaltError starts in around line 210 or so and HaltTurbo starts around 230 or so. PrintString ends around 395 +/- a few.) - up at the top in Externals after "ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:DATA" add another "EXTRN HaltError:NEAR,HaltTurbo:NEAR" - down in "Int3FHandler" remove "SHORT" from "JMP SHORT HaltError" - after "MOV AX,200" in Int00Handler add "JMP HaltError" - after "MOV AX,255" in Int23Handler add "JMP HaltTurbo" 2) Create OBJ from ASM: In \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\SYS type TASM *.ASM 3) Compile SYSTEM: In \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\SYS type DCC -cd -$d- -o\BP\RTL\LIB SYSTEM 4) Start your TURBO.TPL: In \DELPHI\BIN type DLIB TURBO.TPL +..\SOURCE\RTL\SYS\SYSTEM.TPU Other files you may want to compile and include in TURBO.TPL: unit source can be found OVERLAY \BP\RTL\OVR CRT \BP\RTL\CRT DOS \BP\RTL\DOS (need to use TASM again) PRINTER \BP\RTL\PRT STRINGS \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL70 (optional) MEMORY \BP\RTL\TV (optional) OBJECTS \BP\RTL\COMMON (optional) Compile the above files in the specified directory using DCC with the parameters -cd and -$d- to create "ver 8.0" .TPU files. Then add the TPU files to TURBO.TPL as shown in step 4. Now you're all set! Use DCC with the "undocumented" -cd switch to create DOS EXEs with classes, exception handling, etc. -- DOS Protected Mode ----------------------------------------------------- Objective: create a TPP.TPL with units compiled under DELPHI 1) Make sure the .OBJ files still exist from step 2 above. 2) Create OBP from ASM: In \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\SYS type TASM -op -d_DPMI_ *.ASM *.OBP 3) Compile SYSTEM: In \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\SYS type DCC -cp -$d- -o\BP\RTL\LIB SYSTEM 4) Start your TURBO.TPL: In \DELPHI\BIN type DLIB TPP.TPL +..\SOURCE\RTL\SYS\SYSTEM.TPP Other files you may want to compile and include in TPP.TPL: unit source can be found CRT \BP\RTL\CRT DOS \BP\RTL\DOS (TASM -op -d_DPMI_ *.ASM *.OBP) PRINTER \BP\RTL\PRT STRINGS \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL70 WINDOS \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL70 WINAPI \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\WIN MEMORY \BP\RTL\TV (optional) OBJECTS \BP\RTL\COMMON (optional) SYSUTILS \DELPHI\SOURCE\RTL\SYS (new, see below) Compile the above files in the specified directory using DCC with the parameters -cp and -$d- to create "ver 8.0" .TPP files. Then add the TPP files to TPP.TPL as shown in step 4. -- SysUtils for DOS Protected Mode ---------------------------------------- To get SYSUTILS to work properly in DOS PM you need to make a few minor changes to the source file (comes with VCL Source). First make a backup of the SYSUTILS.PAS file and then I suggest puting "{$IFDEF WINDOWS}..." around all of your changes. 1) FileRead/FileWrite: RTM.EXE only supports _lread/write not _hread/write and SysUtils needs to be updated to reflect that. I will use FileRead as the example: In INTERFACE {$IFDEF WINDOWS} function FileRead(Handle: Integer; var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; {$ELSE} function FileRead(Handle: Integer; var Buffer; Count: Word): Word; {$ENDIF} In IMPLEMENTATION function FileRead(Handle: Integer; var Buffer; Count: Word): Word; external 'KERNEL' index 82; { _lread } FileWrite needs the same changes and it has an external index of 86. 2) Units used in the IMPLEMENTATION section: {$IFDEF WINDOWS} uses WinTypes, WinProcs, ToolHelp; {$ELSE} uses WinAPI; {$ENDIF} 3) Remove some exception (hardware, etc) handling. Unfortunately RTM does not support MakeProcInstance and FreeProcInstance otherwise none of the following would have to be removed. A) in the INTERFACE section {$IFDEF WINDOWS} procedure EnableExceptionHandler(Enable: Boolean); {$ENDIF} B) Around the procedure "GetModNameAndLogAddr" in the IMPLEMENTATION section add {$IFDEF WINDOWS} and {$ENDIF}. C) In the procedure "ShowException": var .. existing definitions Buffer: array[0..255] of Char; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} GlobalEntry: TGlobalEntry; hMod: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} .. existing code {$ENDIF} end; D) Before the procedure "ErrorHandler": {$IFDEF WINDOWS} const Flags = $10; .. other consts Recurse: Word = 0; {$ENDIF} E) In the procedure "ErrorHandler": 1: E := OutOfMemory; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} 2,4..10: with ExceptMap[ErrorCode] do E := EClass.CreateRes(EIdent); 3,11..16: .. end; {$ELSE} 2..16: with ExceptMap[ErrorCode] do E := EClass.CreateRes(EIdent); {$ENDIF} else F) Before the procedure "InterruptCallBack" add {$IFDEF WINDOWS} and after the end of the procedure "EnableExceptionHandler" add {$ENDIF}. G) In procedure "DoneExceptions" put IFDEF WINDOWS around the call to EnableExceptionHandler. H) In procedure "InitExceptions" put IFDEF WINDOWS around the assignment "TaskID := GetCurrentTask;" and the call to EnableExceptionHandler. 4) Add profile support provide in RTM.EXE. After the comment "{ Initialization file support }" add the following: {$IFNDEF WINDOWS} function GetProfileInt( appName, keyName : pchar; default : integer ) : word; far; external 'KERNEL' index 57; function GetProfileString( appName, keyName, default, returned : pchar; size : integer ) : integer; far; external 'KERNEL' index 58; {$ENDIF} Compile SYSUTILS for DOS PM from the command line: DCC -cp SYSUTILS It is all set to add the TPP.TPL and use in your programs. I have not been able to test every function that is provided. It would be diffucult to get SysUtils working for DOS Real Mode because of its use of resource files, although I am sure it is possible if someone would like to give it a shot. You could probably remove all the exception handling and get it to compile with BP7. -- Classes for DOS Protected Mode ----------------------------------------- Getting the CLASSES unit to compile for DOS PM is very simple compared to SYSUTILS. In the INTERFACE section change the uses clause: {$IFDEF WINDOWS} uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs; {$ELSE} uses SysUtils, WinAPI; {$ENDIF} You need to create a unit called CONSTS that has the following: (This information was obtained via the online browser because Borland does not proved CONSTS.PAS - don't ask me why not!?): ======================================== unit Consts; interface const SClassNotFound = 61447; SDuplicateClass = 61457; SRegisterError = 61498; SResNotFound = 61449; SLineTooLong = 61459; SReadError = 61443; SWriteError = 61444; SInvalidImage = 61448; SFCreateError = 61441; SFOpenError = 61442; SMemoryStreamError = 61445; SInvalidProperty = 61538; SUnknownProperty = 61462; SPropertyException = 61464; SInvalidPropertyPath = 61461; SInvalidPropertyValue = 61460; SReadOnlyProperty = 61463; SCharExpected = 61534; SSymbolExpected = 61535; SParseError = 61530; SDuplicateName = 61455; SInvalidName = 61456; SListIndexError = 61451; SDuplicateString = 61453; SSortedListError = 61452; SIdentifierExpected = 61531; SStringExpected = 61532; SNumberExpected = 61533; SInvalidBinary = 61539; SInvalidString = 61537; SAssignError = 61440; implementation end. ======================================== Now copy TYPINFO.INT to TYPINFO.PAS and copy the procedure/function declarations from the INTERFACE to IMPLEMENTATION. With each procedure and function add a "Begin End;". Have each function return NIL, 0, etc depending on its type. Compile: DCC -cp CLASSES You can now use TList, TStrings, TStringList, TStream, etc in your DOS PM programs. Because of changes to SysUtils THandleStream.Read/Write is limited to a buffer size of word and not longint. You won't be able to use TReader and TWriter unless you can get Borland to give you the source or TPP for TYPINFO.PAS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't make any claims about the EXEs created as this is not official from Borland. Kevin Smith: 73632,712