Folded Stars

To make one star you will need 4 strips of 14-15"long by 3/8" wide, colored paper (paper with the same color or print on both sides) or ribbon (cheap ribbon that will hold a crease). I recently used 14" strips of adding machine tape. My daughter and I prepared it by stamping on both sides with 3 different rubber stamps in 3 coordinating colors. The idea was to cover both sides with different colors and textures--we did not expect to see any of the actual stamped images on the finished stars. After stamping, we folded the strips in half lengthwise and then in half lengthwise again to divide visually into 4 sections. We cut along the fold "guidelines" to make the 4 strips for weaving into stars. If you want larger stars increase the width of the paper. For construction you will need a scissors, white glue, and a toothpick (to help apply the glue). And, if you want to use these stars as ornaments you will also need a needle and thread for hanging.

If you have any questions e-mail me: [email protected]

Step 1: Fold all 4 strips in half (at about the 7-1/2-8" point); Hold all the strips together and at the open ends of the strips cut at an angle (this makes it easier to thread the paper during the weaving/folding process.)

Step 2: Take a folded strip and place it around another strip, then place that strip around another as shown to form a sort of "basket weave". Pull stips to lock in place.

Step 3: The top strip of each 2 strip section is folded backwards across the 4 squares locked together, and creased into place. Repeat around in a clockwise fashion.

Step 4: The last strip is tucked under the first strip to lock strips together.

Step 5: Fold strip underneath and to the right at a 90 degree angle to create a triangle. Crease to make a point.

Step 6: Loop strip back over to the left with the inside of the curve turned upwards (as shown) and pass under square directly above point shaped in Step 5. Crease for sharp edge point.

Step 7: Going in a clockwise manner, skip one strip and repeat Step 6 with the next strip. Then repeat to create a total of 4 points.

Step 8: Turn piece over and repeat making 4 points on the other side.

Step 9: Locate the 4 strips that are on top. Pick up the strip that is pointing towards you, bend it directly away from you without creasing it and hold it in place. (This moves the strip out of your way during the next weaving process). With your other hand, take the strip that is pointing toward the right and loop it under (so that it point towards you now) and flip side (so that the outside of the curve is on top now.) Push this strip under the strip you are still holding away from you and pull it out through the middle of the opposite point created in step 8. If you have any difficulties weaving the strips at this point in the process, feel free to trim the edges of the strips a little to that they are easier to weave.

Step 10: Repeat Step 9 (clockwise manner again) around. The last strip is pushed under the first point made.

Step 11: Flip star over and repeat Steps 9 and 10 as on the first side.

Step 12: Pull all ends of strips to lock star into shape. If the paper needs a little help to hold the shape apply a little glue just inside the star points where the loose ends jut out (using a toothpick helps). Let glue dry. Carefully cut off the extra ends of strips as close to the points as possible. If you accidently cut the edge of a point causing it to open , don't worry, just take a little dab of glue and press the paper back in place. Thread a needle with your thread and do not knot the ends. Attach thread to finished star for hanger by poking the needle through one of the flat points of the star, pulling one end of the thread though and knotting the ends to form a loop.

Source: Adapted from a project from "The Workbasket"

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