Some concepts just shouldn't work. Take a dog in a suit, a rabbit with a tendancy to mindless violence, several bigfoots and a police mystery rolling all over the USA faster than a huge ball of twine, and it's obviously going to fail, right? Well it didn't, so there's that theory out of the window.

LucasArts Presents...
Prologue: "Friends?!...."
Introduction and Main Theme
Introduction and Main Theme (CD Version)
Another Terrifying Assignment
Outside the Office
The Map Screen
Highway Surfing
Snuckey's Diners
An Almost Identical Snuckey's Diners
Another Strangely Familliar Snuckey's Diners....
Yet Another Strangely Familliar Snuckey's Diners
Once again, back to Snuckeys...
Oh look...Snuckeys.
Snuckeys: The Revenge
The Carnival
The Carnival (Alternative Version)
The Cone of Tragedy
The Hall of Oddities
The Tunnel of Love
Doug the Moleman
Trixie's Trailer
The World's Largest Ball of Twine
World of Fish
World of Fish (Alternative Version)
The Mystery Vortex
Frog Rock
Bumpusville: Home of Conroy Bumpus
Edutainment: John Muir
This is Virtual Reality? (I May Be Sick)
Indinapillos Jones: Waiters of the Last Ork
King of the Creatures
The Savage Jungle Inn
The Celebraty Vegetable Museum
Mount Rushmore: Bungee Jumping and Dinosaurs
Edutainment: Rex and Wally
Extracting the Tooth
The Bigfoot Party: Part 1
The Bigfoot Party: Part 2
Finale and End Credits

Available Track: Wak-A-Rat (Sam and Max Hit the Road)
Start music

� 1999 [email protected]

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