Jughead Zone Guestbook Archive Page 85

Name: Crystal
Website: Crystal's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Texas
Time: 2000-04-12 21:03:01
Hello Jughead
I wanted to Thank You for stopping by my site and leaving your nice comments. I enjoyed my visit here. You have lots of Nice Photos
& it sounds like you had a Neat Cruise. I did like your Coke Page 2. Also I was reading about the games that you liked "PaperBoy"
I remember that Arcade Game & I loved it too {I always played that game when I went to eat at Shakey's Pizza back in the 80's}.
Keep up the Great Work =) - Take Care � Crystal �
Stop by Anytime

Name: Dan & Rita
Website: Learn To Dance With Dan & Rita!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Boise, Idaho
Time: 2000-04-12 15:20:47
Comments: Hi, Edward... Thank-You for stopping by and signing our guestbook...Glad you liked the pages....Thought I would stop by and check out your site...I love it! Lot's to see! I have bookmarked it so I can come back when I have more time and check it out further....What a great job! Rita

Name: Kristine
Website: Kristine's Website
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 2000-04-12 00:21:49
Comments: Cool Website!

Name: Megan Hovey
Website: Meganhovey family
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: PA
Time: 2000-04-11 23:12:58
Comments: Hey Jughead! Thanks for the nice compliments on my page..... I just checked out your site, very nice. I am not very good with words, that is why I have so many pictures on my page. I was so thrilled to see I had a new entry in my guestbook, almost nobody signs. Half of the signatures in there are me and my family! Anyway, I really like your site, and you're right- we like a lot of the same movies and stuff. I would love a cruise, but hubby gets seasick, and I think we will need to win the lottery before we will ever get a real vacation. Again, thanks for stopping by and viewing my page and sharing your thoughts, it means very much to me to know my hard work is noticed. I am still very much a beginner- I don't even know HTML or anything, but I am trying to learn a little as I go. -Megan

Name: Jessica
Website: Jessica's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kansas
Time: 2000-04-11 20:21:58
Comments: Hello there Jughead. :-)

What a very nice page you have here. I really like it a lot. I once went to NY and I found myself lost in all that busy traffic. It's definitely a different atmosphere than the roads of Kansas. I would love to return someday and visit it again, but I am not driving! Hee hee! I used to read Archie comicbooks too. I always liked Betty. She was my favorite. Jughead was my favorite male character. I'm still surfing your other pages so I'm going to get back to that. Wonderful job! Keep it up.

Name: Linda Kirby
Website: Linda's Place
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: TN
Time: 2000-04-11 14:28:36
Comments: Gee you must have put tons of work into your site! It so full of info! Looks like you had a great time on your boat trip. Beautiful pics. Again, Thanks for visiting my site and for your kind words. Please come again, I've put new background sets in that are really worth the trip. Linda

Name: Gaby & Tony
Website: Tony`s �lgem�lde
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Salzburg / Austria
Time: 2000-04-11 03:21:27
Comments: You have wonderful sites on your Homepage with greetings from gaby & tony from Salzburg Austria Gaby & Tony

Name: ann
Website: Anns Home On The Web
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: USA
Time: 2000-04-11 00:51:49

What a very interesting site, looks like you put alot of work into your site.
You've done an extraordinary work it's worth visiting every pages you have in here.
Thanks so much for visiting and signing my guestbook.

Name: Kathrin
Website: Kathrin's Homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Calgary, Canada
Time: 2000-04-10 15:53:07
Comments: This is really a interesting Homepage you got here. I have to come back to read all of it. All the best, Kathrin

Name: Mary Hymel
Website: Mary's Mill Pond
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: LA (Bananna Republic)
Time: 2000-04-09 22:46:54
Comments: Hi Jughead, What a great site you have!! I also am an old CB'er and Jughead Fan. Thanks for visiting my website and instead of taking up too much space expounding on the virtues of you homepage I'm emailing you. Watch your mail box. Dreams & Wishes, Mary

Name: Sis
Website: Wonderful World of Animals
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana
Time: 2000-04-09 17:17:10
Comments: Thanks for visiting my site and signing my GB, You have a very interesting site, lots to see, will be back to catch the pages I didn't get to see..
Wonderful World of Animals

Name: Susie
Website: Susie's Thoughts And Rhymes
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Alabama
Time: 2000-04-09 17:04:31
Comments: Hi Edward, Thank you for inviting me to your wonderful site. I enjoyed my visit very much. You have a great talent and I hope someday to be as good. Please keep up the beautiful work. ((HUGS)) "Susie"

Name: brenda
Website: Brendas homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Calgary Alberta Canada
Time: 2000-04-09 05:10:41
Comments: Hi Jughead Thank you so much for visiting my site and signing in my guestbook.I enjoyed my visit to your site very much. I see we have things in common, we both love movies and the computer.I also like to guest book surf its fun. I like pleasantville too. Now i am in the process of making links. I would like to make a link to your site It may take a couple weeks though. Take care Brenda :)

Name: Rachel
Website: Friends Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Haleiwa
Time: 2000-04-09 03:13:18
Comments: Hey! nice page! please visit me and my friends on our homepage. Don't forget to sign both guestbook and slambook. And if you are interested to earn free stuff by earning points go to the link below. When you are asked who sent you, please use my username: RomRachel

Name: Sue Fletcher
Website: Portrait Artist,Art That Celebrates Life
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Bronte, TX
Time: 2000-04-08 18:44:37
Comments: Hi Jughead! You have lots of varied interests and a great way of sharing them on-line! Would think you to be a happy, outgoing guy in reality. You're creative and interesting on your website...lighthearted and fun. I love movies too...from favorites of "all time" (my time) are "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Sounds of Music", "The Color Purple".The book "The Color Purple" was twice as good as the movie simply because it told things the movie didn't have time to. Keep on enjoying life!

Name: Jana
Website: Friendships Online
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
Time: 2000-04-07 12:41:34
Comments: Thanks for visiting my site and signing my GB. You too have much to read here. I will be back again to catch the pages that I missed.

Name: Andrew
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Australia
Time: 2000-04-05 08:40:56
Comments: Hi there!!! I enjoyed my visit to your home. Cool site :o) Do drop into our home whenever you can and we'll be sure to make you feel most welome.

Name: Shirley
Website: Shirley's Really Kool Keys
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: NC
Time: 2000-04-04 12:55:26
Comments: Really great site. You have put a lot of hard work and dediction into your page. I really enjoyed my stay and will return often. I would like to invite you to apply for one of my awards, Shirley

Name: Kathy Adams
Website: AAA Communications
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: IN
Time: 2000-04-03 06:42:56

We really enjoyed our visit to your website again, we hope to see you at our place when you can get around to it!

Name: Sheila
Website: Sheila's Family Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: West Virginia
Time: 2000-04-02 05:22:32
Comments: I am back again! I like your pages, you have so much to look at!!! I am sending you the award that you wanted!! So check your mail!!

Name: Kathy
Website: Kathy's Home Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: California
Time: 2000-04-01 18:13:32
Comments: Hi, thank you for signing my guestbook awhile back. I really like your site and all the pics of your cruise. Sounds like you had a real good time. Keep up the great work.

Name: �*~���rl�~*�
Website: ~*Darla's Southern Style *~
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arkansas
Time: 2000-04-01 06:23:24
Wow you have really been busy here since the last time I visited !!! I've been here several times checking out all the new updates since you signed my guestbook. And I'm really liked seeing all the new photo's of your trip. I bet that was so much fun. Congrads on your winnings !! Your site is still wonderful, and I'm sure to be back to see what else you add. I'm going to start working on mine again. It is in bad need of updates. So please when you have time stop by again :-)

Name: Mary...of Mary's Place
Website: Mary's Place (Garden/Quilts/Family)
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Ohio
Time: 2000-04-01 00:48:22
Comments: Thanks for all the nice comments when you visited my site the other day. Mine is just a 'mini' site compared to yours. I've never seen a website like yours! It is packed full of so much that I could spend days and days checking things out! You have something for everyone! Love the photos.

Name: Janni
Website: Janni's Page
Referred by: Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 2000-03-31 07:58:43
Comments: Hello Jughead, Thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. I appreciate it very much. I love your page. It is very original and interesting. Keep up the good work.

Name: angel
Website: Dreamland Is Forever
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: AZ
Time: 2000-03-31 00:41:11
Comments: Hi Edward, thanx so much for the email. I'm sorry you had problems with my guestbook! I'm glad you liked our "Into The Sunset Page", it's new and I think we make a GREAT couple! Your site is very cool! You have so much stuff on it! It's gonna take a while to surf it all! BTw, I'm originally from CT, (Burlington, small world, huh?) Anyway, I can tell you've worked very hard on your site and I'd love for you to have Our Award! Look for it in your email! Have a great day!

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