The Windows 98 Config.sys, Autoexec.bat and Setramd.bat Files from the 'Startup Disk' (or EBD -- Emergency Boot Disk) 1. CONFIG.SYS file 2. AUTOEXEC.BAT file 3. SETRAMD.BAT file The " ~~~~~~~ " lines surround the actual text of these files and extend exactly as far as the longest line in these files. ========================================================================== 1. WINDOWS 98 Boot Disk CONFIG.SYS file: ========================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [menu] menuitem=CD, Start computer with CD-ROM support. menuitem=NOCD, Start computer without CD-ROM support. menuitem=HELP, View the Help file. menudefault=CD,30 menucolor=7,0 [CD] device=himem.sys /testmem:off device=oakcdrom.sys /D:mscd001 device=btdosm.sys device=flashpt.sys device=btcdrom.sys /D:mscd001 device=aspi2dos.sys device=aspi8dos.sys device=aspi4dos.sys device=aspi8u2.sys device=aspicd.sys /D:mscd001 [NOCD] device=himem.sys /testmem:off [HELP] device=himem.sys /testmem:off [COMMON] files=10 buffers=10 dos=high,umb stacks=9,256 devicehigh=ramdrive.sys /E 2048 lastdrive=z ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================== 2. WINDOWS 98 Boot Disk AUTOEXEC.BAT file: ========================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ECHO OFF set EXPAND=YES SET DIRCMD=/O:N set LglDrv=27 * 26 Z 25 Y 24 X 23 W 22 V 21 U 20 T 19 S 18 R 17 Q 16 P 15 set LglDrv=%LglDrv% O 14 N 13 M 12 L 11 K 10 J 9 I 8 H 7 G 6 F 5 E 4 D 3 C cls call setramd.bat %LglDrv% set temp=c:\temp set tmp=c:\temp path=%RAMD%:\;a:\;%CDROM%:\ copy %RAMD%:\ > NUL set comspec=%RAMD%:\ copy extract.exe %RAMD%:\ > NUL copy readme.txt %RAMD%:\ > NUL :ERROR IF EXIST GOTO EXT echo Please insert Windows 98 Startup Disk 2 echo. pause GOTO ERROR :EXT %RAMD%:\extract /y /e /l %RAMD%: > NUL echo The diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to drive %RAMD%. echo. IF "%config%"=="NOCD" GOTO QUIT IF "%config%"=="HELP" GOTO HELP LH %ramd%:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:mscd001 /L:%CDROM% echo. GOTO QUIT :HELP cls call help.bat echo Your computer will now restart and the startup menu will appear. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. GOTO QUIT :QUIT echo To get help, type HELP and press ENTER. echo. rem clean up environment variables set CDROM= set LglDrv= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================== 3. WINDOWS 98 Boot Disk SETRAMD.BAT file: ========================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo off set RAMD= set CDROM= echo. echo Preparing to start your computer. echo This may take a few minutes. Please wait... echo. a:\findramd if errorlevel 255 goto no_ramdrive if not errorlevel 3 goto no_ramdrive goto do_shift :loop if errorlevel %1 goto no_shift :do_shift set cdrom=%2 shift shift if not %1*==* goto loop goto no_ramdrive :no_shift set ramd=%2 if "%RAMD%"=="C" goto c_drive goto success :c_drive echo Windows 98 has detected that drive C does not contain a valid FAT or echo FAT32 partition. There are several possible causes. echo. echo 1. The drive may need to be partitioned. To create a partition on the drive, echo run FDISK from the MS-DOS command prompt. echo. echo 2. You may be using third-party disk-partitioning software. If you are using echo this type of software, remove the Emergency Boot Disk and restart your echo computer. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to start your computer from echo a floppy disk. echo . echo 3. Some viruses also cause your drive C to not register. You can use a virus echo scanning program to check your computer for viruses. echo. goto success :no_ramdrive echo The Windows 98 startup disk could not create a temporary drive for the echo diagnostic tools. This may be because this computer has less than the echo minimum required extended memory. echo. :success ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================================================== The Starman's Realm < /homestead/thestarman3/DOS/bd98/98CONAUT.TXT >