History of the

Life Memorial park Foundation Inc.

History of the park In March of 1992, Mr. Joseph Raimando had an idea for a park as a place that would remember those who have succumbed to AIDS. He submitted the idea to the Kleinhans Block Association. The Association welcomed the idea of the park then presented it to the city on his behalf. Mr. Raimando asked a couple of his friends to help him in this eneavour, thus forming the founding fathers of Life Memorial park. The founders of the park, with Mr. Raimando leading the way, gained community support from various agencies and other community organizations dealing with the AIDS crisis.


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What is the Life Memorial park?

The mission of the park is that for a place of remembrance Peace, Love, and Serenity...
not just for those who have died, but for those who are affected and infected by this disease.
The park is there to help promote AIDS awareness through out the Uninted States, Canada Bufallo, and Western NY.

� 1997 [email protected]

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