Music Is My Soul

Have you ever had anyone ask you what your favourite song is? If so, were you able to answer the question? There's no way I could. Music is such an important part of me, in all aspects of my life. I wear my Discman to work on the subway; I have my stereo on while I'm working around the house; while I read I have some kind of music on in the background... music is such a large part of all my past and future happiness that to pick a single song as my "favourite" would be impossible. So I present this list of my top 75 or so songs. These are only songs I have in my actual CD collection. There are a couple of songs I haven't been able to find on CD, so they didn't get included in this list, mostly because I couldn't remember them off the top of my head.

As far as current trends in music go, I've been listening to a lot of electronic dance music; Euro, HIEnergy and Trance/Techno. Trance music can be amazingly interesting, complex, sometimes even melodic, but at it's worst it's a droning blur of repetitive machine-noise. If there are any true fans of Trance/Techno out there, who know where they could direct me to a source of this type of music (preferably a free source, like a radio station, in the metro Toronto area).

One of my favourite songs of the last 6 months was "Closer" by Libra... an faceless dance-music production clique out of Italy. "Rhythm Of The Night" by Corona was probably my favourite songs of 1994, and "Closer" follows that trend quite nicely, as did "You and I" by JK, "The Summer Is Magic" by Playahitty. Personally, I think they were all done by the same people... the singer's certainly sound alike.

This Just In... I've found Utopia! Well, almost... in the form of a public internet access CD Track List Database, with software support in a couple of CD-AUDIO programs for Unix and Windows! Yes, you can now just search this internet database from right within a CD-Audio program, and add them to your local database of CD's you own! No more tedious typing! I only wish I had this 1800 CD's ago!

The database has been built and maintained by a wonderful person named Ti Kan. More info is available at his url, Check it out for yourself!

The shareware for programs for Windows are called DiscPlay, a bit more full-featured, and EasyCD2, which seems to be smaller and, like the title says, easy! Let's all get involved! This is what this whole Internet thing is all about... global sharing of information and co-operation! Just like they teach you on Sesame Street!