My Chosen Family

What an excellent expression... "Chosen Family". It perfectly describes the people you are seeing in the images on this page.

The People I See Most

These are people who I love dearly who also happen to be close at hand... so we see each other pretty often. Ok, I know I should try harder to keep in touch with some of the people here, but quite often I just want to sit, relax and read or whatever. I'll try harder... I promise!

John Anthony

Yes, a couple! I get no small amount of satisfaction telling everyone that I introduced them! I admit that I didn't actually know Anthony very well when I suggested he contact John, but still...

Anyway, here they are... introduced in late May, 1993, and still going strong! Don't be fooled by their constant public bickering either. It's LOVE!


My fairy-god-brother. When I was just coming out, David, an out-n-active gay lawyer, had a spare room in his basement and allowed me to live there rent free, as I got familiar with the gay community, and looked for work in the city... but after he left my bike out and it got stolen I say we're EVEN! We manage to get together every couple of weeks, but being a successful lawyer keeps him busy... and being a successful computer geek keeps ME busy, too!


I've known Jason since I was 15 and he was 13... we met on the back of a tour bus as our marching band was departing on a long trip to Myrtle Beach for a week. I had a straight porno mag with me, and, because he was ONLY 13... I didn't feel right letting a 13 year old look at it. As a 15 year old, I knew that it was wrong for ME, but I wasn't about to corrupt a minor! Except myself, that is! He, of course, thought I was possibly the biggest nerd he'd ever laid eyes on, and he was right! So here we are, 15 years later, he's married with a new baby boy, and I'm living about 10 kilometres east of him in Toronto's gay village. He and his wife Marie-Josée just bought a new home, too... so they're busy people!

John N.

John and I met through the same BBS (The Gay Blade) that I met John, Anthony and David through. We laugh at the same things, like the same music, and mimic bad New York accents the same. John is an entrepreneur, and as soon as I check with him, you'll be able to click here to get to his company's page. Try later. It's JUST blue text!

People I wish I saw more of


I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar... no, that's not right...

I was working as a flunky in a music store, when I met Rob.
And then one day he saw me at the computer store, when managing it was my job.
Now five years later on we have the world at our feet, success has been so easy to do.
I don't forget it's him that was a friend to me then, and I can be his close friend, too.

If you weren't singing "Don't You Want Me" to that, shame on your musical ignorance!

Rob's a musician playing in the musical troupe "Sister Cow Pie"; they're on the CFNY Modern Rock Search CD from 1995. Check 'em out!

Rob and I shared my current apartment between Sept 1994 and mid 1995.. but then he met a girl (his wife, Caitlin!) and moved out to Greener Acres. Our jobs and other committments keep us apart too much for MY liking, but such is life. Thank god we have 16 ways to communicate. Hey Rob, shoot me the URL of your web site, if you have one!


I've known this woman for more than half our lives. Grade 6 it was... 1978. She had just moved to Burlington from... you know, I'm ashamed to admit that I forget where she moved from... but it was almost 20 years ago! Anyway, we went through the Burlington Teen Tour Band together... as I became close friends with a guy she was dating at the time, we became closer too. And it just kind of "stuck". Although nobody likes to be compared to other people, every time I see the character of Elaine on Seinfeld, I think of her. Becky doesn't have Elaine's faults, though. She's almost perfect!

She's a teacher, married to a gem of a guy, Pat, with a wonderful son, Anthony, and off in Burlington living the suburban dream...

There's more to come... I just have to get pictures and "bios" together.

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