My Spiritual Side...

Yes, even though I'm a gay man, I do believe in God. I was raised as a Roman Catholic, and some of what I learned about God has stayed with me. Other parts, I have simply discounted as foolish. Here's the deal: I believe in God. Although I was taught to think of the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit) all as one "god"" I just work with the main guy, God.

I accept that Jesus came to earth and rose from the dead etc., because I believe that God can do anything, so why not send a small part of his infinite being to animate some human flesh for a few years? So, if you get right down to it, I think "Son Of God" is just one of those metaphors that people used millenia ago to explain difficult concepts to the proletariat. Like Jonah and the whale, Noah's Ark, the Garden Of Eden, etc.

My philosophy is "Be a Good Person". Be kind, caring understanding; do the RIGHT thing, not always the easy thing; care more for the good of the many than the good of yourself. Don't demand love and respect; work hard to achieve it and enjoy it when you get it. Read the Desiderada and "strive to be happy".