The Cornelius Trek

Greetings From Toledo, Ohio, USA. Another year has passed and I am so very far behind in updating this webpage it isn't funny!  Y2k has come and gone and everyone survived.  Welcome to my site and I will work on updating this site as quickly as possible. Thanks.  Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It is my hope that this website will give you the reader a peek into my life.� I do my best to contribute what I can to the world but we all know how difficult that can be.� I've had several people ask me to elaborate on a few things and I will certainly do my best.� I'm always out to make new friends and I hope you'll take the time to drop me a line or two after you've reviewed this site.� There's nothing fancy about this site and I make no claims to be a graphic designer. (grin)

About Me� |� Pride and Diversity� |� Where I live� | Upcoming Reviews and Links

My Resume

[email protected]

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