Last Updated 20 February 1999

You are visitor # since 25 Aug 97

"You Are Loved Not For What You Do, But For Who You Are."

"Updated browsers will hear music now."

Hello, My name is Allen (Al). I am 57 earth years of age born February 20, 1942 ( Pisces for those who want to know ). My interests are Computers (of course), ham radio (Advanced Lic), Golf (not that good) and recently got interestred in flying stunt kites (like over $1800 worth so far, am I addicted or what? ha ha). I have added some links for information on stunt kites and related stuff. The sport is more popular that you might think. I attended my first competition the later part of September '96 and enjoyed it very much. If you have the opportunity, check one out near you. It will amaze you the different designs of kites and the skills of the flyers.

I recently moved from western Washington state, to upstate western New York (near Buffalo) to be with my fiance. The things we humans do for LOVE, but believe me it was worth it. Drop me some Email if you like, I enjoy hearing from others and do answer all my email as soon as I can get to it. If your going to be visiting or live near my area let me know; as John and I enjoy meeting others, and if your a "stunt kite flier" even better.

Here is a recent photo of little ole me (if you consider 6' 1", 280#; little):


Last Updated 21 Aug 2009

This site is closing. My web page is now at allenlee42.net16.net/ . Thanks for the service!

Established 25 Aug 97

My local homepage is located on my main server near my new geographical location. Please feel free to visit that page also, there are some enteresting links there also. If you have any plans of visiting this area, let me know as Im always enterested in meeting new people and making new friends. MORE About Me?

Links to other sites on the Web

SilverFox (formerly Friends Of CR Magazine Homepage)
The Rainbow Room
Southern California Gay Wired
KISW 99.9 FM, Seattle Twisted Tunes Page-

Peters Kite Site - Lots Of Info
Gone With The Wind Kite Shop
Kite Shop
American Kitefliers Association [USA]
Earthstation 1,Internets #1 Source for Sounds & Pictures

White Ribbon Campaign
Raising Awareness about Gay-Teen Suicide
And remembering those who we've lost

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