Our Story- Maybe Love will Change your Mind.
By: Robert J. Myers-Miniere

On May 25, 1998, I left the small town of Effingham, IL to move to the big city of Orlando, FL. I needed a change and a new life. I came to Orlando not looking for love, but rather a career. Laugh if you may, I wanted to try the hospitality business. I already had been hired to work at a hotel in Orlando, and an apartment was set up for me. The move was going to change my life.
I arrived in Orlando at about 4 am on May 26 found the hotel and spent the day there. Long story short I was out of money three days after I got into town. My friend from back home had moved to West Palm Beach, and he was the real reason I moved to Florida. I wanted to start a new life, and I knew that I needed to be close to true friends.
Jerry showed up at my apartment unannounced early Friday Morning. May 29, 1998. I had been out a few times, but had not really met anyone. Jerry took me out. He gave me a "New Kid in Town" party. He took me to a few local bars. We went to Parliament house and watched the show. After the show was over, I went with his boyfriend Stephen in to the dance bar and found a place on a ledge and began to watch the passerby�s. Then there he was. Walking around the bar, as he got closer, I quickly repositioned myself on the ledge and happened to stick my foot out as he walked by thus tripping him. Well it got his attention. He stood next to the doorway and our eyes met. He turned and walked out of the room. Normally I would not have followed, but I was intrigued. I followed him into the restroom, where I started conversation. We walked the property. We held each other close in the parking lot, and made our way towards the lake front, behind the hotel. Danny sat on the bench; I lay down and put my head in his lap. We watched the stars on the clear night. We talked about everything including the fate that had brought us together. He was usually a "watch the show and then go home" person. He and his friend Paul, and come to watch the show, and then have something to eat and go home. Instead he felt like going through the dance bar where we met. I would not have been out that night if it hadn�t been for Jerry driving up from West Palm to see me. It was fate that had brought us together. Never before have I felt such love for a man. Fate had brought us together. I could have never asked for a better lover, than him, my soulmate. He has a deep understanding of who I am, and myself for him. We finish each other�s sentences, can tell the mood by a faint tone of voice. He and I celebrate our anniversary on May 29. The day when fate took it�s hand and led us to one another. Love at first sight. You may not believe in such things, I never did. Maybe love will change your mind.
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