
I guess I can say that I like boots. What was my first clue? Well, I'm not sure, but it became undeniable when I walked into a boot shop in October and pulled out the charge card for a pair of boots that in no way could I pass off as something I needed for work or that would look like a normal pair of boots for a social occasion.

Granted, I've always liked boots for practical reasons. A good pair of hiking boots are the best things for my feet, because they're constructed for comfort in the face of heavy-duty use. That of course doesn't explain why I have the number of pairs of boots that I have now. I guess I have to say I like the visuals and the feeling best. Strangely enough, I'm not into licking boots, though I have done it when other conditions have been right. I like seeing other guys in boots, but I like wearing them best of all.

Want more evidence?

Charlie full-length with boots Boots-only shot moccasin boots in woods, summer 96 combat boots, 1997 firefighter boots, summer 97

Here's the list of what I have so far.

Obviously not a very big list compared to some true boot aficianados. Gives me lots of room to grow the collection. Who knows what's next? I could use a new pair of lace-up combat boots, I suppose. And maybe a pair of cowboy boots. Oh, by the way, my boots are size 13 or 14 (U.S.), depending on the boot (info given for those readers who think that size matters. :-).

Copyright 1998
Comments and suggestions to Songdog