Songdog's Loincloth Page
Buckskin and Chamois Breechclout Photos

Dark brown buckskin

1buckskin breechclout, shirtless with leggings, indoors, thumbnail 2buckskin breechclout, shirtless, indoors, thumbnail 3buckskin breechclout, shirtless, indoors, thumbnail

The clout is a dark brown buckskin that I got around 1995. I experimented with attaching the ties to the skin so that I wouldn't need a separate string, but that doesn't work so good for me. (It is an acceptible style, but having the string is/was more universal). These pics were taken in December 1996, when I was about as scruffy as I've ever gotten.

There are more photos with this breechclout on the 2003 Loincloth Photos page.


4chamois loincloth, indoors on bed, thumbnail 5chamois loincloth, indoors, thumbnail

My first one, made from a big chamois that I bought in the auto department of K-Mart. I had to cut it in half and sew the halves together to make a strip. Nice and soft, but a little small (which might not be a bad thing, I guess, as long as everything's covered). These pics are from the late 80s, and I was just getting into self-photography then. I actually don't have this breechclout anymore.

Posted Feb. 15, 2004
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