Songdog's Loincloth Page
Wool Breechclout Photos

1wool loincloth, shirtless, indoors, thumbnail 2wool clout along with other fur trader clothes, indoors, thumbnail 3wool clout with leggings, indoors, thumbnail 4outdoors, kneeling, thumbnail 5outdoors, standing, from knees up, thumbnail

This one is as close to store-bought as you can get. I bought it from one of the traders at a French and Indian War reenactment around 1990. Yes it's wool, but the crotch is lined and somewhat tailored (I don't have a wool allergy, either). The outdoor pics are some of my favorites, and were taken by my then-boyfriend in 1991. The indoor ones are by me a year or so later. I made the leggings and pouch myself, and bought the shirt and bandanna from another vendor at another event.

Posted Feb. 15, 2004
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