Los Angeles Youth Supportive Services:

Who We Are, What We Do, And How YOU Can Help!

Dear Friend,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce L.A. Youth Supportive Services,Inc.(LAYSS) and our affordable corporate sponsorship program to you. We are recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit charitable organization.

The purpose LAYSS is to provide crisis intervention, counseling, social and supportive services to adolescents and young adults, in the Hollywood/West Hollywood area, who are at risk for social exploitation, AIDS, suicide, substance abuse, criminal victimization and homelessness. It is our mission to do whatever is necessary to insure that our clients will have all the support, guidance, life-skills and education they need to successfully navigate through the minefield called adolescence and emerge as successful adults.

Our program is unique in that we are committed to use only counselors who are licensed, or supervised by licensed, masters' level mental health counseling professionals; that our professional counseling staff do their own out-reach, taking their services to the youth, in the youth's own environments; and that all our clients have 24 hour a day, seven days a week access to someone on the counseling staff that they already know and trust!

Our success is impressive. We have been instrumental in assisting over 90 youth to move from street prostitution and homelessness to more responsible and safer living situations. We have also provided the counseling and supportive services to countless other youth so that they could either remain home or transition to emancipation, and avoid the horrors of homelessness and survival sex.

I am asking for your suppose at this critical time, when recent governmental funding cutbacks could spell the end of this vital and unique program. To continue, LAYSS needs private funding until governmental funds again become available. Please help us keep this vital program alive.

Everybody benefits from your sponsorship of our program:

Your tax-deductible (IRS #95-4534972) contribution will have an immediate, huge impact on the lives of over 200 youth. Although there are other agencies that touch some of their lives, LAYSS is the only one that provides them with 24 hour a day, 7 days a week access to a counselor that they already know and trust!

Without your assistance, these young people will be forced to fend for themselves on the streets. They are counting on you. Please mail your check to L.A. Youth Supportive Services, Inc. at 8111 Beverly Blvd., Suite 201, Hollywood, CA 90048 For more information, please call me at 323-951-0401.

Thank you in advance,
J.Jason Wittman, MPS
Executive Director

Los Angeles Youth Supportive Services, Inc.

8111 Beverly Blvd., Suite 201
Hollywood, CA 90048

Email to: Jason Wittman,MPS, Executive Director
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Copyright � 1996, LAYSS, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Revised 1/28/2000