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Did I get your attention?� Good, cause I'm a Leo - and it's always about me.

What was that?� Did you say that it really wasn't, but I like to think it is?

Maybe, but then you came here.� Think about that.

So you wanna know a little bit about me huh?� You've got a couple of choices:

button-r.gif (169 bytes)Personal Stuff

button-r.gif (169 bytes)My family

button-r.gif (169 bytes)My friends

button-r.gif (169 bytes)My issues

button-r.gif (169 bytes)My interests

There you have it.� Short and sweet (until you get to the rest of it).� I realized that the length of my initial page was a bit much.� What do you expect?� That was from when I first started learning how to code.� I'm better now.� At least about that.� Hope you enjoyed your visit, hope you felt moved to sign my guestbook, hope you utilized my email addy if the situation called for it, and mayhaps I will see you around these parts again.� Take care.

"Time is one of the precious ingredients.� Each day brings 86,400 seconds.

Whatever isn't used is gone forever." - ANONYMOUS

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